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Mike Young
Mike Young

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Evaluation of the Programming Skills of Large Language Models

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Evaluation of the Programming Skills of Large Language Models. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • The paper examines the code quality generated by two leading Large Language Models (LLMs): OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini AI.
  • It compares the programming code produced by the free versions of these chatbots using a real-world example and a systematic dataset.
  • The research aims to assess the efficacy and reliability of LLMs in generating high-quality programming code, which has significant implications for software development.

Plain English Explanation

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Gemini AI have revolutionized how we complete tasks, making us more productive. As these chatbots take on increasingly complex challenges, it's vital to understand how well they can generate quality programming code.

This study looks at the code produced by the free versions of ChatGPT and Gemini AI. The researchers used a real-world example and a carefully designed dataset to compare the quality of the code generated by these two LLMs. This is important because as programming tasks become more complex, it can be difficult to verify the code's quality. The study aims to shed light on how reliable and effective these chatbots are at generating high-quality code, which has significant implications for the software development industry and beyond.

Technical Explanation

The paper systematically evaluates the code quality generated by OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini AI, two prominent LLMs. The researchers used a real-world example and a carefully designed dataset to compare the programming code produced by the free versions of these chatbots.

The researchers investigated the capability of these LLMs to generate high-quality code, as this aspect of chatbot performance has significant implications for software development. The complexity of programming tasks often escalates to levels where verifying the code's quality becomes a formidable challenge, underscoring the importance of this study.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the usability of ChatGPT and Gemini AI as code generation tools. However, the research is limited to the free versions of these LLMs, and the performance of the paid or enterprise versions may differ. Additionally, the study focuses on a specific set of programming tasks and does not address the full breadth of code generation capabilities that these chatbots may possess.

While the paper offers valuable insights, further research is needed to explore the long-term reliability and scalability of LLMs in the context of software development. As these models continue to evolve, it will be crucial to monitor their performance and identify any potential limitations or biases that may arise.


This research sheds light on the efficacy and reliability of two prominent Large Language Models, ChatGPT and Gemini AI, in generating high-quality programming code. The findings have significant implications for the software development industry, as the ability to produce robust and reliable code is a critical component of modern software engineering.

As LLMs continue to advance, this study serves as a valuable benchmark for understanding the current capabilities and limitations of these chatbots in the context of code generation. The insights gained from this research can inform the development of more reliable and trustworthy AI-powered tools for software developers, ultimately contributing to the advancement of the field.

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