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Mike Young
Mike Young

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FOLIO: Natural Language Reasoning with First-Order Logic

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called FOLIO: Natural Language Reasoning with First-Order Logic. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • Researchers have developed a new dataset called FOLIO to assess the logical reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs)
  • FOLIO consists of 1,430 examples, each paired with a set of premises used to reason about the validity of the conclusion
  • The premises and conclusions are annotated with first-order logic (FOL) to ensure logical correctness, which is automatically verified
  • FOLIO also serves as a new dataset for translating natural language to first-order logic

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have become remarkably good at understanding and generating human language. However, existing benchmarks may not adequately measure their ability to perform complex logical reasoning. To address this, researchers have created a new dataset called FOLIO (First-Order LOgic in Language) that focuses on testing the logical reasoning capabilities of LLMs.

FOLIO contains 1,430 unique conclusions, each paired with a set of premises that can be used to logically deduce the validity of the conclusion. The premises and conclusions are annotated using first-order logic (FOL), a formal language for representing logical statements. This ensures that the logical relationships between the premises and conclusions are well-defined and can be automatically verified by an FOL inference engine.

In addition to the main task of reasoning about the validity of the conclusions, FOLIO also serves as a new dataset for translating natural language into first-order logic. This can be valuable for building systems that can understand and reason about logical statements expressed in natural language.

Technical Explanation

The researchers created FOLIO to specifically evaluate the logical reasoning capabilities of LLMs. The dataset consists of 1,430 unique conclusions, each paired with one of 487 sets of premises. The premises and conclusions are annotated with first-order logic (FOL) expressions, which are automatically verified to ensure logical correctness.

To create FOLIO, the researchers first generated a large number of logically valid premises and conclusions using a combination of manual curation and automated generation. They then used crowd-sourcing to annotate the natural language premises and conclusions with their corresponding FOL expressions. The FOL annotations were verified using an FOL inference engine to ensure that the logical relationships were correctly represented.

The researchers benchmark the performance of several state-of-the-art language models, including GPT-4, on both the natural language reasoning task and the natural language to first-order logic translation task. Their results show that while the models perform well on some aspects of the tasks, a subset of the FOLIO dataset presents a significant challenge, even for the powerful GPT-4 model.

Critical Analysis

The FOLIO dataset represents an important step towards better evaluating the logical reasoning capabilities of large language models. By using formal logic annotations, the researchers have created a dataset that can rigorously test a model's ability to understand and reason about logical relationships, which is a crucial aspect of human intelligence that is not always well-captured by existing language understanding benchmarks.

However, the researchers acknowledge that FOLIO is just a first step and that further work is needed to fully assess the logical reasoning abilities of LLMs. For example, the dataset focuses on deductive reasoning, but real-world reasoning often involves other forms of logical inference, such as abductive or inductive reasoning. Expanding the dataset to cover a wider range of logical reasoning could provide a more comprehensive evaluation.

Additionally, the researchers note that the current dataset size may be too small to fully capture the breadth of logical reasoning skills that a model can possess. Increasing the scale and diversity of the dataset could lead to more nuanced and reliable assessments of a model's logical reasoning capabilities.


The FOLIO dataset represents an important step forward in evaluating the logical reasoning capabilities of large language models. By using formal logic annotations, the researchers have created a dataset that can rigorously test a model's ability to understand and reason about logical relationships, which is a crucial aspect of human intelligence.

While the current version of FOLIO presents a significant challenge for even the most capable language models, the researchers' work lays the foundation for further advancements in this area. Expanding the dataset and exploring other forms of logical reasoning could lead to a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of LLMs in logical reasoning, ultimately paving the way for the development of more intelligent and capable AI systems.

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