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Mike Young
Mike Young

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How do you know that? Teaching Generative Language Models to Reference Answers to Biomedical Questions

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called How do you know that? Teaching Generative Language Models to Reference Answers to Biomedical Questions. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • This paper focuses on teaching generative language models to reference answers to biomedical questions.
  • The goal is to improve the ability of these models to provide reliable and trustworthy information when answering questions in the biomedical domain.
  • The authors propose a novel approach that involves training the models to not only generate relevant responses, but also to cite the sources of information they used to formulate those responses.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers are working on improving the performance of language models when it comes to answering questions about biomedical topics. Language models are AI systems that are trained on vast amounts of text data to generate human-like responses. However, these models can sometimes struggle to provide reliable and trustworthy information, especially on specialized subjects like biomedicine.

To address this issue, the researchers developed a new approach that teaches the language models to not only generate relevant responses, but also to cite the sources of information they used. This is important because it allows users to verify the accuracy of the model's responses and understand where the information is coming from.

The key idea is to train the language models using a combination of the original question, the target answer, and the relevant source material. By exposing the models to this additional context, they can learn to generate responses that are grounded in real evidence and provide citations to support their claims.

This approach could be particularly useful in the biomedical domain, where it is crucial to provide accurate and well-supported information to users. By teaching language models to be more transparent about their reasoning and sources, the researchers hope to increase the trust and reliability of these systems when answering important medical questions.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel approach for teaching generative language models to reference answers to biomedical questions. The key idea is to train the models using a combination of the original question, the target answer, and the relevant source material that the answer is derived from.

Specifically, the authors introduce a new dataset called BioAnswerRef, which contains over 12,000 biomedical questions, their corresponding answers, and the relevant reference sources. This dataset is used to fine-tune large language models, such as GPT-3, to not only generate relevant responses, but also to provide citations to the sources they used to formulate those responses.

The training process involves a multi-task setup, where the model is asked to predict the target answer, as well as generate a citation that points to the relevant source material. This encourages the model to learn to ground its responses in real evidence and to be transparent about its reasoning.

The authors evaluate their approach on a range of biomedical question-answering benchmarks and find that it outperforms baseline models that do not have the citation-generating capability. They also conduct human evaluations to assess the trustworthiness and reliability of the model's responses, and find that users appreciate the additional context provided by the citations.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful and well-executed approach to improving the reliability of generative language models in the biomedical domain. By teaching these models to not only generate relevant responses, but also to cite their sources, the researchers address a key challenge in the field of AI-powered question answering.

One potential limitation of the approach is the reliance on the BioAnswerRef dataset, which may not capture the full breadth and complexity of biomedical knowledge. There could be cases where the model's responses are still incomplete or inaccurate, even with the added citation context.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential biases or errors that may be present in the reference sources used to train the models. If these sources contain inaccurate or outdated information, the model's responses could still be misleading, despite the citations.

Further research could investigate ways to expand the dataset, incorporate more diverse sources of information, and develop mechanisms to assess the reliability and trustworthiness of the cited references. Additionally, exploring ways to enable the models to provide nuanced, uncertainty-aware responses could be a valuable area of investigation.


This paper presents a promising approach for improving the reliability and transparency of generative language models in the biomedical domain. By teaching these models to not only generate relevant responses, but also to cite the sources of information they used, the researchers have taken an important step towards building AI systems that can be trusted to provide accurate and trustworthy biomedical information.

The proposed method could have significant implications for a wide range of applications, from patient-facing medical chatbots to AI-powered research assistants. As language models continue to play an increasingly important role in the biomedical field, approaches like the one described in this paper will be crucial in ensuring that these systems can be relied upon to provide reliable and well-supported information.

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