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Mike Young
Mike Young

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How LLMs Develop Social Conventions: Collective Biases, Tipping Points and Spontaneous Norms

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called How LLMs Develop Social Conventions: Collective Biases, Tipping Points and Spontaneous Norms. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • Investigates how social conventions emerge and evolve in populations of large language models (LLMs)
  • Explores collective biases, tipping points, and the spontaneous formation of shared norms
  • Provides insights into the dynamics of social interactions and coordination in AI systems

Plain English Explanation

This paper examines how social conventions, or shared patterns of behavior, can spontaneously arise and spread within populations of large language models (LLMs) - the powerful AI systems that underpin many modern conversational assistants and chatbots.

The researchers set up an experiment where multiple LLM "agents" were tasked with communicating with each other and developing their own conventions, without any external intervention. Over time, the agents began to converge on certain ways of interacting, developing shared norms and preferences.

The study explores how these social conventions emerged, how they were influenced by the collective biases of the agents, and what "tipping points" led to the widespread adoption of particular behaviors. The findings offer insights into the complex social dynamics at play as AI systems become more advanced and autonomous.

Technical Explanation

The researchers designed an experimental setting where multiple LLM agents were placed in a communication environment and allowed to interact freely, without any predetermined protocols or instructions. The agents were given the ability to generate and respond to messages, and gradually developed their own conventions and norms around communication.

The study tracked the evolution of these conventions over time, analyzing factors like the initial conditions, the collective biases of the agent population, and the emergence of tipping points that led to the widespread adoption of certain behaviors. The researchers used computational modeling and network analysis techniques to understand the underlying mechanisms driving the formation and propagation of social norms in this LLM ecosystem.

The results reveal the spontaneous emergence of shared conventions, the role of collective biases in shaping these conventions, and the existence of critical thresholds or tipping points that can lead to rapid shifts in the dominant social norms within the population. These findings have important implications for the design and deployment of AI systems that are expected to operate in complex social environments.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution to the understanding of how social dynamics can arise in populations of AI agents, particularly in the context of large language models. The experimental design and computational modeling approach offer a rigorous framework for studying these phenomena.

However, the study is limited in scope, focusing primarily on the emergence and evolution of conventions within a simulated environment. The researchers acknowledge that real-world social interactions in AI systems may involve additional complexities, such as the influence of human users, the presence of conflicting goals or incentives, and the potential for adversarial or unethical behavior.

Further research would be needed to explore the generalizability of these findings to more diverse and realistic AI-based social systems. Additionally, the study does not delve into the ethical implications of AI agents developing their own social norms, which could potentially lead to undesirable or harmful outcomes if not properly monitored and controlled.


This paper provides valuable insights into the spontaneous emergence of social conventions in populations of large language models. The findings highlight the importance of understanding the complex social dynamics that can arise in AI systems, as they become increasingly autonomous and capable of interacting with each other in unpredictable ways.

The research has implications for the design and deployment of AI systems, particularly those intended to operate in social environments. By incorporating these insights, developers and policymakers can work to ensure that the social norms and behaviors that emerge within AI ecosystems are aligned with human values and ethical principles.

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