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Mike Young
Mike Young

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LoRA+: Efficient Low Rank Adaptation of Large Models

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called LoRA+: Efficient Low Rank Adaptation of Large Models. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • The paper shows that Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) as originally introduced leads to suboptimal finetuning of large models
  • This is due to the fact that the adapter matrices A and B in LoRA are updated with the same learning rate
  • The authors demonstrate that using different learning rates for A and B can significantly improve performance and finetuning speed, at the same computational cost as LoRA

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses an issue with a machine learning technique called Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA). LoRA is a way to efficiently finetune large AI models on specific tasks without having to update all the model's parameters.

However, the researchers found that the original LoRA approach doesn't work as well for models with large "width" (i.e. large embedding dimensions). This is because LoRA updates two adapter matrices, A and B, with the same learning rate during finetuning.

Through mathematical analysis, the authors show that using the same learning rate for A and B doesn't allow the model to learn features efficiently in large-width networks. To fix this, they propose a simple modification called LoRA+, which uses different learning rates for A and B.

In their experiments, LoRA+ was able to improve performance by 1-2% and speed up finetuning by up to 2x, compared to the original LoRA, all while maintaining the same computational cost. So LoRA+ provides an easy way to get better results when finetuning large AI models using the LoRA technique.

Technical Explanation

The key insight in this paper is that the original LoRA approach [1] leads to suboptimal finetuning of models with large embedding dimensions (width). This is due to the fact that the two adapter matrices A and B in LoRA are updated with the same learning rate during the finetuning process.

Using scaling arguments for large-width networks, the authors demonstrate that using the same learning rate for A and B does not allow efficient feature learning. Intuitively, this is because the magnitudes of the updates to A and B need to be balanced in a specific way to capture the most important features.

To address this suboptimality, the authors propose a simple modification called LoRA+, which uses different learning rates for the adapter matrices A and B, with a well-chosen ratio. This allows the model to learn features more effectively during finetuning.

In their extensive experiments on a variety of tasks and model sizes, the authors show that LoRA+ consistently outperforms the original LoRA approach, with 1-2% improvements in performance and up to 2x speedups in finetuning, all at the same computational cost.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a clear and insightful analysis of a limitation in the original LoRA approach, and proposes a simple yet effective solution in the form of LoRA+. The authors' use of scaling arguments to understand the underlying issue is particularly impressive.

One potential area for further research could be to investigate whether there are other ways to adaptively adjust the learning rates for A and B, beyond the fixed ratio used in LoRA+. This could potentially lead to even greater performance gains.

Additionally, the authors only consider the case of finetuning large models. It would be interesting to see if their findings also hold for the case of training smaller models from scratch using LoRA.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of efficient model adaptation, and the LoRA+ approach seems like a promising technique for practitioners to consider when finetuning large AI models.


This paper identifies a key limitation in the original LoRA approach for finetuning large AI models, and proposes a simple yet effective solution called LoRA+. By using different learning rates for the LoRA adapter matrices, LoRA+ is able to significantly improve performance and finetuning speed, without increasing the computational cost.

The insights and techniques presented in this work have important implications for researchers and practitioners looking to efficiently adapt large language models and other high-capacity neural networks to specific tasks. The LoRA+ approach provides a practical and effective way to unlock the full potential of these powerful models.

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