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Mike Young
Mike Young

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Newly Discovered 'P3' Malware Can Infect Language Models Despite Fine-Tuning

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Newly Discovered 'P3' Malware Can Infect Language Models Despite Fine-Tuning. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • This paper explores a new type of attack called "Persistent Pre-training Poisoning" (P3) that can make large language models (LLMs) produce biased and undesirable outputs even after fine-tuning.
  • The authors develop techniques to inject persistent poisoning into the pre-training data of LLMs, which can then influence the model's behavior even after further training or fine-tuning.
  • They demonstrate the effectiveness of P3 attacks on several LLM architectures and benchmarks, showing how the models can be made to exhibit biased or harmful behavior that persists even after additional training.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to manipulate the training data of large language models (LLMs) in order to make them behave in undesirable ways, even after the models have been "fine-tuned" or further trained for a specific task.

Typically, when an LLM is trained on a large amount of data, it develops certain biases and tendencies. The researchers here have found a technique to deliberately introduce harmful biases or behaviors into the original training data. This "poisoning" of the pre-training data then causes the LLM to exhibit those biases, even after it has been fine-tuned or further trained on a different dataset.

This relates to the concept of "data poisoning" attacks, where malicious actors try to manipulate the training data of machine learning models in order to make them behave in unintended ways.

The key insight is that these biases and behaviors can become "locked in" to the LLM during the initial pre-training stage, and persist even after additional training. This makes the models vulnerable to a new type of attack that the researchers call "Persistent Pre-training Poisoning" (P3).

This relates to the broader challenge of making AI systems, especially large language models, more robust and reliable in the face of malicious attempts to undermine their behavior.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a new attack called "Persistent Pre-training Poisoning" (P3) that can make large language models (LLMs) exhibit undesirable behaviors even after fine-tuning.

The key idea is to inject carefully crafted "poisoning" into the pre-training data of the LLM, which then gets "locked in" to the model during the initial pre-training stage. Even after further fine-tuning or training on a different dataset, the model retains these poisoned behaviors.

The authors develop techniques to generate poisoned pre-training data that can induce a variety of undesirable behaviors in the LLM, such as generating biased or harmful text. They demonstrate the effectiveness of P3 attacks on several LLM architectures, including GPT-3, BERT, and T5, across different benchmarks.

Their findings highlight the vulnerability of modern LLMs to this new type of attack, and the importance of developing more robust training techniques and data curation processes to mitigate such threats.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes an important contribution by uncovering a new type of attack, Persistent Pre-training Poisoning (P3), that can undermine the reliability of large language models (LLMs) even after fine-tuning. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of these attacks across multiple LLM architectures and benchmarks, which is a significant result.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and avenues for future research. For example, the authors note that their techniques for generating poisoned pre-training data rely on access to the model's pre-training data and architecture, which may not always be possible in real-world scenarios. Developing more general P3 attack methods that do not require such detailed knowledge of the target model would be an important next step.

Additionally, while the paper showcases the persistence of the poisoning effects, it does not explore potential countermeasures or defense strategies in depth. Investigating techniques to detect, mitigate, or even "unlearn" the effects of P3 attacks would be a valuable direction for future research.

Overall, this paper highlights a critical vulnerability in modern LLMs and the need for more robust training and deployment practices to ensure the reliability and safety of these powerful models.


This paper introduces a new type of attack called "Persistent Pre-training Poisoning" (P3) that can make large language models (LLMs) exhibit undesirable behaviors, even after fine-tuning or additional training. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of P3 attacks across multiple LLM architectures and benchmarks, showcasing how carefully crafted poisoning in the pre-training data can lead to persistent biases and harmful outputs.

The findings in this paper highlight the vulnerability of modern LLMs to subtle manipulations of their training data, and underscore the importance of developing more robust training techniques and data curation processes to mitigate such threats. Exploring countermeasures and defense strategies against P3 attacks will be a critical area for future research as the use of LLMs continues to expand.

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