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Mike Young
Mike Young

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Program Transformers with ALTA: Compiling Algorithms to Model Weights

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Program Transformers with ALTA: Compiling Algorithms to Model Weights. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • A new programming language called ALTA and a compiler that can map ALTA programs to Transformer weights
  • Inspired by RASP and Tracr, ALTA offers advantages like expressing loops and compiling to Universal Transformers
  • ALTA allows constructively showing how Transformers can represent length-invariant algorithms for tasks like parity and addition, and solve the SCAN benchmark, without intermediate steps
  • Proposes tools to analyze cases where algorithm expressibility is established but end-to-end training fails to induce the desired behavior
  • Explores training from ALTA execution traces as a fine-grained supervision signal

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new programming language called ALTA and a compiler that can translate ALTA programs into the weights of Transformer machine learning models. ALTA is inspired by previous work on languages like RASP and Tracr, but offers some additional capabilities.

For example, ALTA allows you to express programs with loops, and to compile them to a type of Transformer model called a Universal Transformer. This is useful because it lets researchers show how Transformers can carry out certain algorithms, like computing parity or addition, in a length-invariant way - that is, the algorithm works the same regardless of the length of the input. ALTA also enables solving benchmark tasks like SCAN without needing intermediate decoding steps.

The paper also proposes new tools to investigate cases where a desired algorithm can be expressed in ALTA, but standard end-to-end training on data fails to make the Transformer model behave according to that algorithm. To address this, the authors suggest training the model using the step-by-step execution trace of the ALTA program as a more detailed training signal. This could lead to new experiments and analysis on how the learnability of different algorithms relates to factors like data availability and model design choices.

Overall, ALTA provides a way for researchers to more directly explore the representational capabilities of Transformer models, potentially leading to new insights about their strengths, limitations, and how to better design them.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new programming language called ALTA and a compiler that can map ALTA programs to the weights of Transformer machine learning models. ALTA is inspired by prior work on languages like RASP and Tracr, but offers additional capabilities.

ALTA allows the expression of programs with loops, and the compilation of those programs to a type of Transformer model called a Universal Transformer. This enables the researchers to constructively demonstrate how Transformers can represent length-invariant algorithms for tasks like computing parity and addition, as well as solving the SCAN benchmark of compositional generalization, without requiring intermediate decoding steps.

The paper also proposes tools to analyze cases where the expressibility of an algorithm is established, but end-to-end training on a given dataset fails to induce Transformer behavior consistent with the desired algorithm. To address this, the authors explore using the step-by-step execution trace of the ALTA program as a fine-grained training signal. This could enable new experiments and theoretical analyses relating the learnability of various algorithms to factors like data availability and modeling decisions, such as the choice of positional encodings.

The ALTA framework, including the language specification, symbolic interpreter, and weight compiler, is made available to the research community to enable further applications and insights.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to more directly exploring the representational capabilities of Transformer models through the use of the ALTA programming language and compiler. By providing a way to express length-invariant algorithms and compile them to Transformer weights, the researchers open up new avenues for analysis and experimentation.

One potential limitation is the reliance on the Universal Transformer architecture, which may not be representative of the full range of Transformer models used in practice. It would be valuable to see the ALTA approach extended to a broader set of Transformer variants and architectures.

Additionally, while the proposed tools for analyzing cases where end-to-end training fails to induce the desired algorithmic behavior are promising, more work may be needed to fully understand the factors that influence Transformer learnability. The role of data availability, model design choices, and other factors in this context requires further investigation.

An interesting area for future research could be exploring the connection between the ALTA representations and the internal workings of Transformer models. Shedding light on how Transformers might be approximating or implementing the algorithms expressed in ALTA could lead to valuable insights about their inner workings.

Overall, the ALTA framework represents a significant contribution to the field of Transformer research, providing a powerful tool for probing the capabilities and limitations of these models in a more structured and interpretable way.


The paper introduces ALTA, a new programming language and compiler that enables researchers to more directly explore the representational capabilities of Transformer models. By providing a way to express length-invariant algorithms and compile them to Transformer weights, ALTA opens up new avenues for analysis and experimentation.

The ability to show how Transformers can represent algorithms for tasks like parity computation and the SCAN benchmark, without requiring intermediate decoding steps, is a notable advance. The proposed tools for investigating cases where end-to-end training fails to induce the desired algorithmic behavior, using ALTA execution traces as a fine-grained supervision signal, also hold promise for driving further insights.

Overall, the ALTA framework represents a valuable contribution to the field of Transformer research, empowering researchers to better understand the strengths, limitations, and inner workings of these powerful machine learning models. By making ALTA available to the community, the authors have laid the groundwork for further applications and discoveries that could ultimately lead to more robust and interpretable Transformer-based systems.

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