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Mike Young
Mike Young

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SmartChoices: Augmenting Software with Learned Implementations

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called SmartChoices: Augmenting Software with Learned Implementations. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • Heuristics are commonly used in software systems to make important decisions, but can be costly to replace with machine learning (ML) solutions
  • SmartChoices is a novel approach that reduces the cost of deploying production-ready ML solutions for contextual bandits problems
  • SmartChoices provides a clean interface to separate problem formulation from implementation details, enabling non-experts to rapidly deploy ML-powered solutions

Plain English Explanation

Software systems often use simple rules, or heuristics, to make decisions that have a big impact on overall system performance. For example, heuristics might be used to decide which items to keep in a cache, how to schedule tasks, or what information to display to users. While machine learning (ML) could potentially outperform these heuristics, actually replacing them in a production system can be extremely difficult and costly.

SmartChoices is a new approach that makes it easier and more affordable to use ML to improve decision-making in software systems. It provides a straightforward way for engineers to define the key elements of their problem, like the information that's available (the "context"), the possible actions (the "arms"), and the feedback on how well those actions perform. SmartChoices then handles the complex tasks of encoding and logging the data, training ML models, and deploying the optimized decision policies.

This allows engineers who aren't ML experts to rapidly incorporate production-ready ML-powered solutions into their software, without having to worry about the technical details. SmartChoices has already been used to improve a wide range of applications, leading to better performance in areas like latency, throughput, and user engagement.

Technical Explanation

SmartChoices is designed to simplify the process of deploying contextual bandits - a type of ML model - to make optimized decisions in production software systems. Engineers define their problem by specifying the relevant data types for the context, available actions, and feedback, then SmartChoices handles the rest.

Under the hood, SmartChoices uses efficient data encoding and logging techniques to capture the necessary information. It then trains and evaluates various contextual bandit models, automatically selecting the best-performing one and deploying it. This allows SmartChoices to provide valuable features like online learning, exploration-exploitation balancing, and A/B testing out of the box.

By encapsulating best practices for contextual bandits in a shared library, SmartChoices enables non-ML experts to rapidly integrate production-ready ML solutions into their software. The authors demonstrate how SmartChoices has been used to improve a range of applications, including caching, batch processing, and user interface layouts.

Critical Analysis

The SmartChoices approach appears to be a promising way to lower the barrier to adopting ML-powered decision-making in production software. By providing a clean abstraction and handling the technical complexities, it enables a wider range of engineers to benefit from contextual bandits without extensive ML expertise.

However, the paper doesn't delve deeply into the specific ML models and techniques used under the hood. While the authors claim their implementation is efficient enough for low-level applications, more details on the performance characteristics and limitations would be helpful. Additionally, the paper doesn't address how SmartChoices would handle more complex or domain-specific problem formulations that don't fit neatly into the contextual bandits framework.

Further research could explore ways to expand the flexibility and generalizability of the SmartChoices approach, perhaps by allowing more customization of the ML components or supporting a broader range of decision-making problems. Evaluating the long-term maintainability and scalability of the system in production environments would also be valuable.


SmartChoices presents a novel approach to simplifying the deployment of ML-powered decision-making in production software systems. By providing a clean interface that separates problem formulation from implementation details, it enables non-ML experts to rapidly integrate optimized policies into their applications. The authors demonstrate how SmartChoices has been used to improve a variety of software, leading to better performance in areas like latency, throughput, and user engagement.

While the paper lacks some technical details, the overall concept of SmartChoices is promising and could have significant implications for making ML more accessible and practical for a wider range of software engineers. Further research to expand the flexibility and generalizability of the approach could unlock even broader applications and benefits.

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