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Mike Young
Mike Young

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Which algorithm to select in sports timetabling?

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Which algorithm to select in sports timetabling?. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • Sports competitions require a timetable to schedule when and where teams meet each other.
  • The recent International Timetabling Competition (ITC2021) on sports timetabling showed that general algorithms can be developed, but their performance varies greatly across different problem instances.
  • This paper provides an instance space analysis for sports timetabling, revealing insights into the strengths and weaknesses of eight state-of-the-art algorithms.
  • The researchers propose an algorithm selection system that predicts which algorithm is likely to perform best based on the characteristics of a sports timetabling problem instance.
  • The paper also identifies which characteristics are important for making these predictions, offering insights into algorithm performance and suggestions for improvement.
  • Finally, the paper assesses the empirical hardness of the problem instances.

Plain English Explanation

In any sports competition, a timetable is needed to specify when and where teams will play each other. The recent International Timetabling Competition (ITC2021) on sports timetabling showed that while it's possible to develop general algorithms to create these timetables, the performance of each algorithm can vary a lot depending on the specific problem instance.

This paper takes a closer look at this issue, using machine learning techniques to analyze the characteristics of different sports timetabling problem instances. The goal is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of eight state-of-the-art algorithms used for this task. By identifying the key characteristics that influence algorithm performance, the researchers were able to develop a system that can predict which algorithm is likely to work best for a given timetabling problem.

The paper also provides insights into the overall difficulty of the sports timetabling problem, assessing the "hardness" of the various problem instances based on large-scale computational experiments. This information could be valuable for sports organizers and researchers looking to improve timetabling algorithms in the future.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents an instance space analysis for sports timetabling, using machine learning techniques to study the performance of eight state-of-the-art algorithms across a diverse set of problem instances.

The researchers first generated a large dataset of over 500 new sports timetabling problem instances, representing a wide range of characteristics. They then ran extensive computational experiments, consuming about 50 years of CPU time, to evaluate the performance of the eight algorithms on this dataset.

Using the results of these experiments, the team developed an algorithm selection system that can predict which algorithm is likely to perform best for a given problem instance, based on its characteristics. This system leverages machine learning to identify the key features that influence algorithm performance.

The paper also provides insights into the relative strengths and weaknesses of the eight algorithms, suggesting ways they could be further improved. Additionally, the researchers assess the empirical hardness of the problem instances, giving sports organizers and researchers a better understanding of the challenges involved in sports timetabling.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of sports timetabling algorithms, using a rigorous experimental approach to generate valuable insights. However, the researchers acknowledge that their study is limited to a specific set of algorithms and problem instances, and that further research may be needed to generalize the findings.

Additionally, while the algorithm selection system developed in the paper shows promise, its practical implementation may depend on the availability of accurate data on the characteristics of real-world sports timetabling problems. The researchers suggest that future work could focus on developing methods to automatically extract these characteristics from problem descriptions.

Another potential area for further research is the exploration of alternative algorithms or hybrid approaches that could outperform the individual algorithms studied in this paper. The insights gained from the instance space analysis could inform the design of such new algorithms.


This paper provides a detailed analysis of sports timetabling algorithms, using a large-scale computational study to uncover the strengths, weaknesses, and performance characteristics of eight state-of-the-art approaches. The researchers' development of an algorithm selection system, which can predict the best-performing algorithm for a given problem instance, is a significant contribution to the field.

The insights gained from this work can inform the design of improved timetabling algorithms, as well as guide sports organizers in selecting the most appropriate algorithms for their specific needs. By better understanding the factors that influence algorithm performance, the research community can continue to advance the state of the art in this important area of sports logistics and scheduling.

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