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My Experience In The Web Monetization for The Passion Economic.

1. Summary on my findings of Web Monetization and Integerledger

Summary on Web Monetization
Before the advent of Web Monetization, the popular models for content creators to generate revenue from their content online have always revolved around Google Adsense, subscriptions, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and privacy invasion, which incur high expenses to the creator and draws unnecessary users' attention whereby breaking the flow of concentration and amusement derived from content.

Web Monetization is the best way to monetize Content as a Creator. Web Monetization provides an open, native, efficient, and automatic way to compensate creators, pay for API calls, and support crucial web infrastructure in real-time.

Summary on Interledger
Interledger is an open protocol suite for sending payments across different ledgers. Like the Internet, connectors route packets of money across independent networks. The open architecture and minimal protocol enable interoperability for any value transfer system.
Therefore it is important to note Interledger is not tied to a single company, blockchain, or currency.

2. Five (5) Future Opportunities:

  1. Web monetization will be the best most adopted standard protocol for earning money for all content creators.
  2. User or Content Consumer will get tired of privacy invasion: Google Adsense, subscriptions, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, etc and will sort or look for content that is ads-free for them to enjoy, thereby leading to the wild embracement of Web Monetization by both parties.
  3. Early adopters of Web Monetization would have earned so much from it before other Content Creators discovers Web Monetization.
  4. Every entity be it a Content Creator or a Content Consumer will be earning from stuffing the Web via Web Monetization. In essence, a lot of Creators will continue to reward their Users or consumers for them to always visit their content, whereby creating multi streams of income for both parties.
  5. White-collar Jobs will go into extension because every individual will be comfortable doing what they enjoy and still get paid. Doing what they enjoy here means they are actually having fun and yet they are equally generating income for themself.

3. Building a web Monetization provider (builders):

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  1. The Web or Application Builders or Developers will be encouraged to build more multi-functional Application that will solve several kinds of problem, and by so doing, Human Beings will only relax and continue to enjoy themself, because these Applications and Robots will be doing virtually everything we Humans are to be doing.
  2. Builders will be encouraged to build more because they are aware that they will always continue to earn from their product.

4. Building a community (Creators):

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  1. Building a community will only come from when a creator has a lot of followers, who are kine or always delighted in the content of their favorite Creators: This can make users or content consumers follow Content Creators on their social media like Facebook Handle or Facebook Page, Stu, Twitter, Instagram or even on YouTube Channel, Telegram channel. I personally have my own community on the above-listed social handle and my community is still growing.

5. Most Exciting Moment During AFRICAHACKS: Web Monetization for The Passion Economic.

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SIncerely every bit of the Hackerton was very interesting for me, from the Trival (games) Section, Writing of articles, Researching on Web Monetization, Creation of video content, Collaboration with so many individuals from all over Africa. I really enjoyed myself. Personally, before the advent of this very Hackerton, I actually don't believe I could be a blogger. Guys I will love you guys to also participate in the StartBox Africa Hackaton or join the Discord community that is currently on at the moment.

Vote of Thanks:
Seriously if anyone is reading my article, am sure you will be wondering why the vote of thanks in an article and not a book or an event. Yes, you are absolutely right with your thought. I am indeed grateful to God almighty and to Mr. Uchi Uchibeke the founder of AfricaHacks provided the platform for me and other colleges of mine to learn about Web Monetization and also made it possible for me to earn while participating in the Hackathon.

Thank you for giving us your time.

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