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Frontend Basics

Basics matter.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the most fundamental building squares of web coding. For someone who has never coded before and doesn`t have a
technological backgroud, creating a page from scratch can seem really intimidating. It is important that you understand these basics in order to grow on the Frontend path.


It provides the basic structure of sites and it was first created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. If you think about it, an HTML file is just a text file. It is when you put that file into a browser when the magic happens.

It can be assisted by CSS and scripting languages such as JavaScript. HTML and CSS are actually not technically programming languages; they're just page structure and style information.


CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document: you can control the appearance of the documents defined with HTML. CSS is the best way to separate content and presentation. It describes how HTML elements should be displayed. Combined with Javascript, its current applications can be huge.


JavaScript enables interactive web pages and is an essential part of web applications: "it is the programming language of the Web".
To give you an idea, Javascript is behind anything that moves, refreshes, or changes on your screen without the need for you to manually reload the page.

Never forget:

  • HTML is the structure of your page: headers, text and images.
  • CSS is the presentation of the structure: customized fonts, background colors, etc.
  • Once you have created your structure and your aesthetic, JavaScript makes your site or project dynamic.

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