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Shifting my career toward DEV journey

Hello, my name is Mill, and I'm from Thailand. I've been exploring various career paths since graduating with a degree in Economics from Chulalongkorn University. I have experience as a business analyst in a management consulting firm and as a product owner in a small company in Bangkok.

As a product owner, I became fascinated by the potential of AI tools and their combination with software development knowledge. I believe that developers can achieve much more than before with the integration of AI.

Recently, I decided to transition my career towards software development. I'm enthusiastic about this new direction and eager to explore the opportunities it offers.

I started my journey with the course Learn JavaScript, and it was a great experience. The interactive nature of the course and the hands-on coding tasks helped me steadily improve my coding skills.

I attempted to read "Eloquent JavaScript" before, completing chapter 4. However, I found the later chapters too challenging to continue, so I put it aside.

I just wanted to share my experience, and I'm excited to be a part of this community. I hope you can provide guidance as I continue my journey. Thank you!

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