Minecraft is a survival game. Come on, I am not going to explain Minecraft today. You're in 2024. If you don't know Minecraft, you're living under a rock. Today I want to tell you the fascinating programming facts about this awesome block game.
Have you ever wondered, that in what language was Minecraft made. It's Java. Yes! But that's the Java edition as you thought it was. But the bedrock edition was written in C++. I wonder why java performs better than C++. Does Minecraft really hate bedrock edition.
Do you know Minecraft was all developed by just one person named Markus "Notch" Persson. However now they have 600 people working on minecraft. Compare that to more than 1000 people working on GTA VI which does not seem to come out soon.
Do you know that minecraft's terrain generation is infinite, but it is limited because your game might lag. This works through a phenomnen called perlin noise. Tell me if you want me to make minecraft's terrain generation tutorial.
2.5 Billion!?
You know the developer of minecraft sold the game to microsoft for 2.5 Billion dollars when it was on its peak stage. Thats bonkers. You can do so much with that money!!
## 6 Days?
Did you know that minecraft's first beta edition which was just developed in 6 days. Of course thats just a plain grass land that could be mined. But that's bonkers because it all started in just 6 days.
If you liked this post and want know more such awesome facts. Do follow me. Also, follow me on twitter. I mean X.
Peace β
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