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Mattia Minotti
Mattia Minotti

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Typetta vs Prisma

Prisma and Typetta are two Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries for TypeScript. In this article, we will compare Prisma and Typetta based on several factors to help you choose the best one for your needs.

Prisma overview

Prisma is an open-source database toolkit that simplifies database management for modern application development. It offers a type-safe and intuitive way to interact with databases, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than dealing with the complexities of database management.

With Prisma, developers can easily model their database schema using Prisma’s declarative language, and Prisma will automatically generate type-safe database access APIs based on that schema.

Prisma supports several popular databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB and provides powerful features such as data validation, schema migrations, and database seeding, making it easy to manage database changes over time. Additionally, Prisma offers performance optimizations such as query batching and caching to ensure that database queries are as efficient as possible.

Typetta overview

Typetta is an open-source TypeScript library for building type-safe database interactions that uses GraphQL as its modeling language.

By using GraphQL, Typetta provides a powerful and flexible way to define the schema of your application. You can define a single schema that can be used by both the server and the client, which simplifies your code and makes it easier to maintain. Additionally, using GraphQL as the modeling language for Typetta allows for seamless integration with other GraphQL-based libraries and tools, making it easier to build complex applications with a unified API.

Typetta generates type-safe database access APIs based on TypeScript interfaces, providing a type-safe and intuitive way to interact with databases. It supports several popular databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, CockroachDB, MariaDB, Oracle, Amazon Redshift and MongoDB, and can be used with a variety of Node.js frameworks such as Express, NestJS, and Fastify. It also supports advanced features such as migrations, transactions, and security controls, making it a powerful and flexible tool for managing databases.

Overall, Typetta simplifies database interactions by generating type-safe APIs and providing advanced features for managing database changes over time while leveraging the power and flexibility of GraphQL.


When it comes to defining the schema, there are some notable differences between Prisma and Typetta.

Prisma uses its own schema definition language (SDL), which is similar to GraphQL’s SDL but not fully compatible. This means that while it is possible to convert a Prisma schema to a GraphQL schema, some modifications may be necessary.

On the other hand, Typetta’s schema is defined in GraphQL’s SDL, making it fully compatible with the GraphQL ecosystem. This allows for a higher degree of interoperability with other tools and frameworks that support GraphQL, such as Apollo Server and Relay. Additionally, using GraphQL’s SDL for schema definition may make it easier for developers who are already familiar with GraphQL to start using Typetta.

Furthermore, Typetta provides a schema-first approach, which means that the schema is defined first and then the code is generated from it. This can help with maintaining a clear separation of concerns between the schema and implementation, as well as making it easier to reason about the data structures and types used in the application.

In contrast, Prisma follows a database-first approach, where the schema is generated based on the database schema. While this approach may be convenient for developers who are already familiar with the database schema, it may not be as flexible or interoperable as Typetta’s schema-first approach.

Overall, the use of GraphQL’s SDL in Typetta’s schema definition provides a higher degree of interoperability with other tools and frameworks, as well as making it easier for developers who are already familiar with GraphQL to start using Typetta. The schema-first approach also helps with maintaining a clear separation of concerns between the schema and implementation.

Easy of use

Prisma is designed to be easy to use, with a simple and intuitive syntax for querying the database. Prisma’s declarative schema language makes it easy to define the database schema, and it automatically generates a type-safe API for accessing the database. Prisma also provides advanced features like transaction management and migrations, which can save time and effort in the long run.

Typetta is also easy to use, with a simple and intuitive syntax for querying the database. Typetta’s API is designed to be type-safe, which can help catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime. Typetta’s lightweight design makes it easy to get started with, and it provides a good balance between simplicity and functionality.


Prisma and Typetta are both designed to simplify database interactions and provide type-safe APIs for developers. When it comes to performance, however, there are some differences to consider.

Prisma is written in Rust, which is known for its low-level control and high performance. This makes Prisma very fast and efficient, especially for complex queries and high-traffic applications. Additionally, Prisma supports advanced performance optimizations such as query batching and caching, which can significantly improve the efficiency of database queries.

Typetta, on the other hand, is built on top of popular Node.js libraries such as KnexJS and DataLoader, which provide powerful features for managing database interactions and caching query results. While not as performant as Prisma in some scenarios, Typetta can still provide excellent performance when used in the right context. In particular, DataLoader allows for efficient batching and caching of database queries, which can improve the overall performance of your application.


When it comes to scalability, both Prisma and Typetta are designed to provide efficient and reliable database interactions that can scale with your application’s growth.

Prisma is optimized for high-performance and can handle large amounts of data and complex queries. Additionally, Prisma supports distributed databases, which allows you to scale your database horizontally across multiple servers or regions. This makes Prisma an excellent choice for applications with high-traffic and complex data requirements.

Typetta, on the other hand, can provide excellent scalability supporting a wide range of databases, some of which are widespread in high-volume contexts. It also provide seamless integration with popular cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, making it easy to deploy and manage your database in the cloud.


Prisma provides role-based access control (RBAC) to help restrict access to certain parts of the database, as well as authentication and authorization features to help secure user data.

Typetta also offers features specifically designed to help developers define a secure access layer for their data. One such feature is row-level security, which can help prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. By using row-level security, you can define rules that control which users can access which rows in your database. This can help ensure that sensitive data is only accessible to authorized users.

Furthermore, Typetta includes built-in support for secure password hashing, making it easier for developers to store and manage user passwords securely. It also provides features to help prevent common security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection attacks.

The security features in Typetta are designed to be easy to use, with clear and concise APIs that make it simple to define and enforce security policies. The documentation is also comprehensive, providing developers with guidance on how to properly secure their data and prevent security breaches.

While Prisma also provides security features, it is worth noting that Typetta’s security features are specifically designed to be easy to use and provide robust protection against common security threats. This may make Typetta a better choice for developers who prioritize security in their applications.


In terms of community and popularity, Prisma has been around for longer and has a more established community compared to Typetta, which is a relatively new library.

Prisma has been around since 2016 and has gained popularity among developers due to its ease of use and focus on developer productivity. It also has a large and active community, with numerous blog posts, tutorials, and support resources available online.

On the other hand, Typetta was released in 2021 and is still in the early stages of adoption. As a newer library, it has a smaller community and fewer resources available compared to Prisma. However, it is worth noting that Typetta has gained some traction among developers who are interested in using TypeScript and GraphQL together, and its popularity may continue to grow in the future.

Despite the difference in community and popularity, both Prisma and Typetta are open-source projects, which means that developers can contribute to their development and help improve the libraries over time. Additionally, both libraries are actively maintained by their respective teams, which means that bugs and issues are addressed promptly.


Both Prisma and Typetta are excellent choices for TypeScript developers looking for a type-safe ORM library.

Prisma is a more feature-rich and mature library, with a larger community and more advanced features like transaction management and migrations. Typetta is a simpler and more lightweight library, with a focus on GraphQL interoperability and scalability.

Ultimately, the choice between Prisma and Typetta depends on your specific needs and preferences.

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