"Everything is based on information. Information is the God indeed."
You have successfully built your first-ever program using Qt. That's amazing, isn't it?
But after you'd come out of excitement, you soon found out that the user interface is way too ugly.
That's not very good. And that's not very Qt. Qt is not a tool for building ugly applications irrespective of whether the app is usable. In simple English, that's not our goal.
How to make it better? Hopefully, it looks like this:
The label isn't adhered to the margins anymore; instead, it's at the center as a *center widget*. The font weight is bold and mono-spaced to emphasize.
Today, I'll be showing how to beautify the labels.
Widget Basics
This article might be longer than other widget-introducing articles, as I assume you do not know what on earth does the jargon "widget" actually mean, and instead you're just sitting in front of your screen, puzzled, reading my repeatedly use of "widgets," "QWidget
, "subclass," etc. in the previous article.
"Subclass" should not be a term that is hard to explain, and I assume you've already known it (sorry for not saying the prerequisite of knowing C++ in the previous articles). Any class inherited a base class is the subclass of the base class.
A "widget," in terms of Qt, is the primary element (the building blocks) for creating GUI. It's the atom of a user interface. Widgets could display data (output), receive user input (input) or as containers of other widgets (process). If you understand how computers work, here are some analogies in the parentheses.
A widget in Qt could also be considered as any object having the base type of QWidget
verbatim. The following are all widgets (including the box):
As mentioned in the previous article, QWidget
that has a parent is called a "widget", whereas parent symbolizes ownership of a widget, as with QObject
More introductions of various Qt widgets (up two a hundred ones) are on their ways to this series. Stay tuned!
So How Could I Beautiful My Labels!!?
Why are you always so in haste? Don't worry here it is.
Setting text
Before we move on, let's refresh your memory of setting the text of a QLabel
. You could do so by using the method QLabel::setText
First, we want it to be aligned. Use the method QLabel::setAlignment
to do so. To acquire the current alignment, use QLabel::alignment
Qt is so powerful that it supports the alignment such as:
You could also adjust the vertical alignment by using the |
operator. For example,
Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignRight | Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignTop
aligns at the top-right corner:
Similarly, Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignBottom
aligns at the bottom-left corner:
Whereas Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignVCenter
aligns as the name suggests:
There's a special enumerator: Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignBaseline
. It ensures that the alignment is in accordance with the text baseline in many labels lay outed horizontally instead of the text:
Note that you could use Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignCenter
as Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignHCenter
. They carry the same meaning.
What if I don't want to do alignments?
Then, you have indentation. Use QLabel::setIndent
to set, and QLabel::indent
to acquire the current value.
Note: as you have observed, there are usually two methods: the acquisition method of a specific property of its own name, and the setting method of it using the format of
plus the capitalized name of the property. For example, foralignment
, we havesetAlignment
. Forindent
, there aresetIndent
.When there's exception, I will tell you. From now on, I call them "properties" and you know the getters and setters, as every character counts in this series.
If alignment
is Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignLeft
(the default), then the indentation will be on the left edge, and if alignment
is Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignTop
, the indentation will be on the top edge and so on and so forth.
Setting alignment for centers do not have any effect.
If both Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignTop
and Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignLeft
or etc. are set, then both vertical and horizontal alignments will be indented:
You could also set the margins using the property margin
Margins add more space around the label, irrespective of whether the label is indented or aligned or not. The default margin is 0 pixel (it is also counted in pixels).
Precisely, the margin is the distance between the innermost pixel of the label('s border) and the outermost pixel of contents (of the label).
Wait... So, you've just tried out the "justify" example with indentations and margins and all sort of fancy things, but you got this whole long thorn instead of a smaller, (cuter?), fitter version:
You're then looking for the property wordWrap
. By using QLabel::setWordWrap(true)
, you could make the text be wrapped and it should look like this:
Normally, it wrapped according to the size of the window, or the parent widget.
Using HTML
QLabel supports a limited subset of HTML, as well as other editor-like widgets we will cover later. You could just pass in valid and simple HTML code in order to do rich-text formatting.
You could beautiful your text in terms of that.
// I assume you've created your project
// ...
QLabel *label = new QLabel(this);
// label->setIndent(10);
label->setText("<p style='font-size: 25px;'><b>Beautified</b></p>");
// ...
You could disable it by using the property textFormat
. There are four Qt::TextFormat
enumerators defined:
makes the label displaying plain text:
makes the valid HTML code get parsed and interpreted, as shown as the above example. Also, if you pass in the argument Qt::TextFormat::AutoText
, it determines whether if the text is rich text or not by matching the HTML tags. (See function mightBeRichTextImpl
in Qt sources). If it is rich text, then Qt::TextFormat::AutoText
becomes Qt::TextFormat::RichText
. Otherwise, it becomes Qt::TextFormat::PlainText
You could also add markdown text via Qt::TextFormat::Markdown
from version 5.14 on (the latest one is 6.8).
Editable Text
Those are not funny and interesting enough!
Allow me to introduce the final boss: a QLabel
could be a simple text editor.
Using the property textInteractionFlags
, you could set that:
<a href='https://google.com'>Google</a>
The link seems to be not able to process the hover (mouse-on) events and seems to be disabled, and you could not access so.
To make it accessible, use Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByMouse
Though it still looks like disabled, you could hover it and see the hyper-link cursor!
To make the keyboard could also access the link via the tab
key (called focus, which will be introduced to you later), take the Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard
in bitwise-or operation (|
) with LinkAccessibleByMouse
label->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByMouse);
If you wish your link is readily available and open in the default browser immediately after activating it (pressing it or clicking Enter
, use the property openExternalLinks
and set it to true
It's the same for selection: TextSelectableByMouse
by dragging and TextSelectableByKeyboard
by using the Shift
key(s) and the arrow keys:
<p style='font-weight: 700;'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.<br><a href='https://google.com'>Google</a>
label->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextInteractionFlag::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::TextSelectableByKeyboard | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByMouse);
To investigate whether there is text selected, use the method hasSelectedText
. To see the selected text, use the method selectedText
Finally, the final boss of the final bosses: Qt::TextInteractionFlag::TextEditable
. By using this on QLabel
, your label could be a mini-text editor:
label->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextInteractionFlag::TextEditable | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::TextSelectableByKeyboard | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard | Qt::TextInteractionFlag::LinksAccessibleByMouse);
Now, you know how to beautify your tiny text label!
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