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Day 1.2: AWS Global Infrastructure

what is AWS Global Infrastructure
AWS Global Infrastructure is the interconnected network of data centers, availability zones, and edge locations strategically positioned worldwide. This Infrastructure enables AWS to provide reliable, scalable, and low-latency services to users globally.
Alright, let's break it down: Imagine AWS Global Infrastructure as a massive, well connected system of high-tech buildings(data centers) spread across the globe. In each building, there are backup systems(Availability zones) ready to take over if something goes wrong. This setup ensures that online services, like websites and apps, can handle a lot of users, work reliably and stay fast. It's like having a global safety net for digital operations.
What are the key components of AWS Global Infrastructure?
1. Regions : AWS regions is a separate geographical area where AWS has established data centers. Each region is isolated and independent, allowing users to deploy resources in specific geographic locations.
2. Availability Zones : Each AWS region consists of multiple availability zones, which are isolated data centers within the region. AZs are connected through high speed, low latency networks. Deploying applications across multiple AZs enhances fault tolerance and availability.
3. Edge Locations : AWS has a global network of edge locations that serve as content delivery points for services like Amazon CloudFront(a content delivery network). These locations improve the performance of applications by caching content(improves content delivery speed) closer to end-users.
Real life examples
Netflix: With a global user base, Netflix leverages AWS's global infrastructure to deliver streaming services efficiently. They deploy their applications across multiple regions and availability zones to ensure high availability and low-latency streaming for users worldwide.

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