Sashido is a platform that helps developers create functional and beautiful apps
. It takes good care of your infrastructure
, database maintenance
,Parse Server deployment to give developers the time and energy to focus on their business idea. Sashido eliminates the time spent on Back-end
connecting, database maintenance, security
, Scaling
Sashido and Parse Server parseServer
uses Webhooks to handle requests, responses from a client to the server.
The block code below shows us how Parse Server handles passwords
.then(() => {
// Password reset request was sent successfully
}).catch((error) => {
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and message.
console.error("Error message:", error.message);
First off,you mustRegister
and Login
to Sashido.
Click on Getting Started > Create an App
> Then Go-to App
settings > onApp
settings > go-to Emails
and Hosting
Follow The Steps And Secure Your Email With Sashido
Email Verification work flow
A user is mailed a link with
which they can choose a new
.The user should use the link
forwarded to choose_password_Html
to select a newpassword
.The user submits their
and they will receive a
confirmation that a newpassword
has been successfully created.If maybe a malicious user
attempts toreverse engineer
the password, they are sent to
Email Verification Work Flow

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