DEV Community

Markus Koskimies
Markus Koskimies

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MaweJS: Editor for plantsers


Just about announcing an editor project for writers. It is one of the generation of 15 years of writing, and coding an editor for me.

Looking for an editor for your story? Notepad, Word and Googledocs are too little, and Scrivener, Manuskript and yWriter are too much? You like Word-style text editors to write stories, but with larger stories it becomes difficult to restructure it. You have tried Scrivener-style editors, but you hate how you need to set up so many things before starting to write, and you feel uncomfortable editing your story scene-by-scene, you'd like to add things here and there.

How about trying MaweJS?

Writers can be coarsely divided to two types: pantsers and planners. Pantsers start writing the story and let the flow take them anywhere it goes. Planners (or sometimes called plotters) first make plans and outlines before writing the story.

Pantsers are fine with Notepad or Word. Planners are catered with dedicated tools like Scrivener and its alikes like Manuskript and yWriter.

But there is third category: plantsers. These writers are something between pantsers and planners, and I happen to be one. I just start writing the story like a pantser, but at some point I start making plans and restructuring the story like a planner.

Sadly, neither Notepad nor Scrivener fully support plantsers. That's why I needed a tool for myself, that's why I wrote Mawe with Python/GTK, and now with ElectronJS, Javascript and React.

MaweJS is story editor for Plantsers.

In short, MaweJS is externally unstructured editor (like Notepad, Word or Googledocs), and internally structured editor (like yWriter, Scrivener and Manuscript).

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