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Maria Kristina Salada
Maria Kristina Salada

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It's Okay To Try Again

It's been a month now since I've started the HarvardX: CS50W (CS50's Web Programming With Python and JavaScript), or simply CS50W, course on January 20th this year. I've finished the Lecture 0: Git and Lecture 1: HTML, CSS on the 21st and started doing the Project 0: Homepage, the very first project of this course, on the 22nd day. I decided to make a personal portfolio website with a blog about me and the web. Since then, I'm both studying HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and SASS, and apply it on my website. I still making it until now. I thought of, finally submitting it today. It's my goal for this week but unfortunately, not.

While I'm recording a screencast for my project website, I discovered its errors. There's a button that is not working properly, some parts that are not responsive, and so on. I just comforted myself by saying, "It's okay. Take your time." Since the objective of this project is for me to "Become more comfortable with HTML and CSS to design and style webpages" and "Learn to use SCSS to write more complex stylesheets for [my] webpages", I am very comforted. I'm a bit angry to myself because I already have history of HTML and CSS from school but I think I really have to dig in to it, and I do believe the saying, "Basic is important." It's so important that I have to really study it and this will also a preparation for the future.

I have requirements to fulfill and I don't want to submit a project that I think was not worthy for Harvard. Harvard and EdX are big names. So for now, I'll continue working for my project and improve it, and learn at the same time. There's no better way of learning than practicing, right?

Fighting! Godspeed everyone.

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