Let's say you're building a web application that receives webhooks from external services like GitHub, Stripe or others. These webhooks work by sending HTTP POST requests to an endpoint on your server, allowing you to listen for events as they happen without having to continuously poll for new data. If you're developing locally though, you won't be able to receive webhooks at http://localhost:8000
(or any other local URL!) This is where ngrok comes in, allowing you to create a temporary public URL to tunnel HTTP traffic to your local application.
In this tutorial I'll walk through installing ngrok and using it to test out the Stripe webhook, but this can work for any webhook you need to work with!
Installing ngrok
Head over to ngrok and sign up for an account. You don't really need one for this tutorial so you can skip this step if you want, but having an account gives you a few extra features (like longer session times)
On macOS, ngrok can be installed via Homebrew:
brew install --cask ngrok
. You can also download an executable for macOS, Windows or Linux directly from their website. Keep track of where it's been downloaded so you'll know which path to access it at after.Try running it from a terminal window to make sure it's working:
ngrok help
The syntax for tunneling HTTP traffic to a port on your local computer is ngrok http <port_to_tunnel_to>
. For example, if I wanted to tunnel HTTP requests to a server listening for requests at port 5000 on my local machine, I would type ngrok http 5000
in a shell:

You'll notice the Forwarding: https://11d51c640b97.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:5000
. This means all requests to https://11d51c640b97.ngrok.io
will be forwarded to port 5000 on my local machine, where my application can receive them! You can also access a request inspector in a browser at
, where you can see (and even replay) any HTTP requests that went through. Press Ctrl+C whenever you're done and the tunnel will be closed.
Using ngrok to test the Stripe webhook
In this example I'm going to use a Flask application that's listening for incoming webhooks from Stripe at /webhooks/stripe
. Let's say I'm interested in charge.succeeded
events, because these tell me someone has paid for something on my fictitious platform! If you want to follow along with this tutorial, all the code is available on GitHub. Set up your local environment and install a few dependencies (ensure Pipenv is installed first):
git clone https://github.com/mm/stripe-ngrok-example.git
cd stripe-ngrok-example
pipenv install
Let's take a look at the code in app.py
, which defines the endpoint that's listening for events:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/webhooks/stripe', methods=['POST'])
def receive_stripe_webhook():
"""Receives a webhook payload from Stripe.
# Try to parse a webhook payload, get upset if we couldn't
# parse any JSON in the body:
stripe_payload = request.json
if not stripe_payload:
return jsonify(message="Could not parse webhook payload"), 400
event = stripe_payload.get('type')
if not event:
return jsonify(message="Could not determine event type"), 400
if event == 'charge.succeeded':
# Pull fields out of payload:
data_object = stripe_payload.get('data').get('object')
customer_id = data_object.get('customer')
amount = data_object.get('amount')
# Here we just log the transaction, but at this point we can do
# anything! (Provision accounts, push to a database, etc.)
print(f'Customer {customer_id} made a purchase of {amount} cents!')
return jsonify(message="Webhook received"), 200
Besides a bit of input data handling, all this code is doing is waiting for a POST
request to /webhooks/stripe
, checking for a charge.succeeded
event (we successfully charged someone on our platform), and logging a bit of information about the charge to the console. You can start a local Flask server by running pipenv run flask run
in a shell from the project directory. The server will let you know where it's listening for new requests -- in my case,
. Let's expose this via ngrok and have Stripe send us some data!
While the server's running, in a new terminal window type ngrok http 5000
(or whatever port the Flask app is listening at):
Notice the forwarding URL generated by ngrok. In my case, mine is https://07136e03dd33.ngrok.io
. Now, let's have Stripe send data here:
Log in to your Stripe account (here I'm using a test account)
In the left sidebar, click on "Developers", then "Webhooks".
Under "Endpoints", click "+ Add Endpoint". The endpoint URL is the forwarding URL ngrok gave you (plus whatever path your server is listening at). In my case, it's
(this would be equivalent tohttp://localhost:5000/webhooks/stripe
)Here I set it up so I only receive
events, but there's all kinds you can listen for in the Stripe docs (my favourite docs ever) -
Next, record a charge for a customer. I'm in a test environment, so I'll just record a charge for a test customer named after me:
If you've been checking your Flask server, you'll notice we received a request to our endpoint in the logs:
Customer cus_Itm097l6URXxaZ made a purchase of 400 cents! - - [06/Feb/2021 16:39:42] "POST /webhooks/stripe HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Head over to
in your browser (or whatever URL ngrok gave you for your "Web Interface") Here, you'll see a log of the request made to your local app: Let's say you make some changes to your code and want to test the same payload against the new code. You don't need to record another payment in Stripe! You can hit the "Replay" button in the ngrok inspector and replay the request (or even modify it before replaying). This can help you test code faster without adding huge amounts of data to your test environment (be it Stripe or any other)
Hit Ctrl+C on both your ngrok session and Flask server once you want to stop receiving requests. That's all there is to it.
Wrapping up
In this tutorial, we covered:
- How to tunnel HTTP requests to your local server to test webhooks with ngrok
- Using the ngrok inspector to inspect and replay requests to your server without needing to generate more events
Let me know if it was helpful in testing your own applications. Here we covered testing the Stripe webhook this way, but this strategy can work for other webhooks too!
Header photo by Paul Carmona on Unsplash
Top comments (1)
I am testing ngrok with btcpayserver. i keep getting 405 error when i use the endpoint provided by ngrok