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Mpho Mphego
Mpho Mphego

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Why You Should Add Makefile Into Your Python Project

The Story

There's a quote that goes like, "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." by Bill Gates and I think when he mentioned lazy people he also included me in the same pool. You could ask yourself, Why am I saying that about myself. The reason is, over time I have found myself doing the same thing over and over again and I'm sure that you also have been caught in that repetitive loop before you might not be aware of it.

When creating and working on a new Python or related project, I would find myself repeating the same things over and over.
For example:

  • Creating a Python virtual environment, install all the packages I would need into it and cleaning up Python byte codes and other artefacts. virtualenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate && pip install .
  • Run code linters and formatters as I develop or before pushing to GitHub. black -l 90 && isort -rc . && flake8 .
  • Running unittests and generating documentation (if any). pytest -sv . && sphinx-apidoc . -o ./docs -f tests

All the example I've listed above assumes you know what shell command to execute and when most times this can be cumbersome or tedious to juniors.

Enter GNU-Make, in this post I will show you how you can leverage the use of Makefile for automation, ensuring all the goodies are placed in one place and never need to memorise all the shell commands.


When building any programming project leveraging the use of Makefile's for tedious work.

The How

Below is an example of a generic Makefile I have been using. I usually remove parts I do not need and then place it in the root of my project:

SHELL := /bin/bash
DATE_ID := $(shell date +"%y.%m.%d")
# Get package name from pwd
PACKAGE_NAME := $(shell basename $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
DOCKER_IMAGE = "$(USER)/$(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
KUBERNETES_DIR = kubernetes
DOCS_DIR = docs/src
import os, webbrowser, sys
from urllib import pathname2url
from urllib.request import pathname2url"file://" + pathname2url(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])))
import re, sys
class Style:
BLACK = '\033[30m'
BLUE = '\033[34m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
CYAN = '\033[36m'
GREEN = '\033[32m'
MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
RED = '\033[31m'
WHITE = '\033[37m'
YELLOW = '\033[33m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
print(f"{Style.BOLD}Please use `make <target>` where <target> is one of{Style.ENDC}")
for line in sys.stdin:
match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line)
if line.startswith("# -------"):
if match:
target, help_msg = match.groups()
if not target.startswith('--'):
print(f"{Style.BOLD+Style.GREEN}{target:20}{Style.ENDC} - {help_msg}")
# See:
export PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore
# If you want a specific Python interpreter define it as an envvar
# $ export PYTHON_ENV=
PYTHON := python3
#################################### Functions ###########################################
# Function to check if package is installed else install it.
define install-pkg-if-not-exist
@for pkg in ${1} ${2} ${3}; do \
if ! command -v "$${pkg}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo "installing $${pkg}"; \
$(PYTHON) -m pip install $${pkg}; \
# Function to create python virtualenv if it doesn't exist
define create-venv
$(call install-pkg-if-not-exist,virtualenv)
@if [ ! -d ".$(PACKAGE_NAME)_venv" ]; then \
$(PYTHON) -m virtualenv ".$(PACKAGE_NAME)_venv" -p $(PYTHON) -q; \
echo "\".$(PACKAGE_NAME)_venv\": Created successfully!"; \
@echo "Source virtual environment before tinkering"
@echo "Manually run: \`source .$(PACKAGE_NAME)_venv/bin/activate\`"
define add-gitignore
curl -sL$${PKGS} > .gitignore
# ------------------------------------ Boilerplate Code ----------------------------------
boilerplate: ## Add simple '' and .gitignore
@echo "# $(PACKAGE_NAME)" | sed 's/_/ /g' >>
@$(call add-gitignore)
# -------------------------------- Builds and Installations -----------------------------
# You can easily chain a number of targets
bootstrap: clean install-hooks dev docs ## Installs development packages, hooks and generate docs for development
build-image: ## Build docker image from local Dockerfile.
docker build -f Dockerfile --no-cache -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE) .
build-cached-image: ## Build cached docker image from local Dockerfile.
docker build -f Dockerfile -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE) .
dev-venv: venv ## Install the package in development mode including all dependencies inside a virtualenv (container).
@$(PYTHON_VENV) -m pip install .[dev];
echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "Usage:\nPlease run:\n\tsource .$(PACKAGE_NAME)_venv/bin/activate;"
echo -e "\t$(PYTHON) -m pip install .[dev];"
echo -e "Start developing..."
install: clean ## Check if package exist, if not install the package
@$(PYTHON) -c "import $(PACKAGE_NAME)" >/dev/null 2>&1 || $(PYTHON) -m pip install .;
venv: ## Create virtualenv environment on local directory.
# ---------------------------------- Python Packaging ------------------------------------
dist: clean ## Builds source and wheel package
$(PYTHON) sdist
$(PYTHON) bdist_wheel
ls -l dist
# -------------------------------------- Project Execution -------------------------------
run-in-docker: ## Run python app in a docker container
docker run --rm -ti --volume "$(CURDIR)":/app $(DOCKER_IMAGE) \
bash -c "$(PYTHON) $(MAIN_FILE)"
get-logs-container: ## Get logs of running container
docker logs -f $$(docker ps | grep $(DOCKER_IMAGE) | tr " " "\n" | tail -1)
run: ## Run Python app
# -------------------------------------- Deployment --------------------------------------
deploy-app: ## Deploy App with Kubernetes manifests
kubectl apply -f $(KUBERNETES_DIR)
pod-logs: ## Get logs from all running pods on a defined namespace
@if [ ! ${pod_namespace} ]; then \
echo "Usage:"; \
echo "$(MAKE) $@ pod_namespace=\"<namespace>\""; \
else \
for POD in $$(kubectl get pods -n ${pod_namespace} | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | grep ^[a-z]); do \
echo '----------------------------------------'; \
echo "-------- logs for $${POD} ---------------"; \
echo '----------------------------------------'; \
kubectl logs -n ${pod_namespace} $${POD}; \
done; \
port-forward: ## Forward local ports to a pod in a namespace
@if [ ! ${pod_namespace} ]; then \
echo "Usage:"; \
echo "$(MAKE) $@ pod_namespace=\"<namespace>\" ports=4111:3111"; \
else \
kubectl port-forward -n ${pod_namespace} $$(kubectl get pods -n ${pod_namespace} | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | grep ^[a-z]) ${ports}; \
pods-status: ## Check running pods on sandbox namespace
@if [ ! ${pod_namespace} ]; then \
echo "Usage:"; \
echo "$(MAKE) $@ pod_namespace=\"<namespace>\""; \
else \
kubectl get pods -o wide -n ${pod_namespace}; \
pods-services: ## Check all running services on pods on sandbox namespace
@if [ ! ${pod_namespace} ]; then \
echo "Usage:"; \
echo "$(MAKE) $@ pod_namespace=\"<namespace>\""; \
else \
kubectl get svc -o wide -n ${pod_namespace}; \
# -------------------------------------- Clean Up --------------------------------------
.PHONY: clean
clean: clean-build clean-docs clean-pyc clean-test clean-docker ## Remove all build, test, coverage and Python artefacts
clean-build: ## Remove build artefacts
rm -fr build/
rm -fr dist/
rm -fr .eggs/
find . -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -fr {} +
find . -name '*.egg' -exec rm -fr {} +
find . -name '*.xml' -exec rm -fr {} +
clean-docs: ## Remove docs/_build artefacts, except PDF and singlehtml
# Do not delete <module>.pdf and singlehtml files ever, but can be overwritten.
find docs/compiled_docs ! -name "$(PACKAGE_NAME).pdf" ! -name 'index.html' -type f -exec rm -rf {} +
rm -rf docs/compiled_docs/doctrees
rm -rf docs/compiled_docs/html
rm -rf $(DOCS_DIR)/modules.rst
rm -rf $(DOCS_DIR)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)*.rst
rm -rf $(DOCS_DIR)/
clean-pyc: ## Remove Python file artefacts
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -rf {} +
find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -rf {} +
find . -name '*~' -exec rm -rf {} +
find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -fr {} +
clean-test: ## Remove test and coverage artefacts
rm -fr .$(PACKAGE_NAME)_venv
rm -fr .tox/
rm -fr .pytest_cache
rm -fr .mypy_cache
rm -fr .coverage
rm -fr htmlcov/
rm -fr .pytest_cache
clean-docker: ## Remove docker image
if docker images | grep $(DOCKER_IMAGE); then \
docker rmi $(DOCKER_IMAGE) || true;\
# -------------------------------------- Code Style -------------------------------------
lint: ## Check style with `flake8` and `mypy`
@$(PYTHON) -m flake8 --max-line-length 90 $(PACKAGE_NAME)
# find . -name "*.py" | xargs pre-commit run -c .configs/.pre-commit-config.yaml flake8 --files
# @$(PYTHON) -m mypy
# @yamllint .
checkmake: ## Check Makefile style with `checkmake`
docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR):/data cytopia/checkmake Makefile
formatter: ## Format style with `black` and sort imports with `isort`
$(call install-pkg-if-not-exist,black,isort)
@isort -m 3 -tc -rc .
@black -l 90 .
# find . -name "*.py" | xargs pre-commit run -c .configs/.pre-commit-config.yaml isort --files
# ---------------------------------- Git Hooks ------------------------------------------
install-hooks: ## Install `pre-commit-hooks` on local directory [see:]
$(PYTHON) -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --install-hooks -c .configs/.pre-commit-config.yaml
pre-commit: ## Run `pre-commit` on all files
pre-commit run --all-files -c .configs/.pre-commit-config.yaml
# ---------------------------------------- Tests -----------------------------------------
test: ## Run tests quickly with pytest
$(PYTHON) -m pytest -sv
# $(PYTHON) -m nose -sv
# ---------------------------------Test Coverage -----------------------------------------
coverage: ## Check code coverage quickly with pytest
coverage run --source=$(PACKAGE_NAME) -m pytest -s .
coverage xml
coverage report -m
coverage html
coveralls: ## Upload coverage report to
coveralls --coveralls_yaml .coveralls.yml || true
view-coverage: ## View code coverage
$(BROWSER) htmlcov/index.html
# ---------------------------- Changelog Generation ----------------------
changelog: ## Generate changelog for current repo
docker run -it --rm -v "$(CURDIR)":/usr/local/src/your-app mmphego/git-changelog-generator
# ---------------------------- Documentation Generation ----------------------
.PHONY: --docs-depencencies
--docs-depencencies: ## Check if sphinx is installed, then generate Sphinx HTML documentation dependencies.
$(call install-pkg-if-not-exist,sphinx-apidoc)
sphinx-apidoc -o $(DOCS_DIR) $(PACKAGE_NAME)
sphinx-autogen $(DOCS_DIR)/*.rst
cp $(DOCS_DIR)
cp docs/ $(DOCS_DIR)
sed -i 's/docs\///g' $(DOCS_DIR)/
complete-docs: --docs-depencencies ## Generate a complete Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs.
$(MAKE) -C $(DOCS_DIR) html
@echo "\n\nNote: Documentation located at: ";\
echo "${PWD}/docs/compiled_docs/html/index.html";\
docs: --docs-depencencies ## Generate a single Sphinx HTML documentation, with limited API docs.
$(MAKE) -C $(DOCS_DIR) singlehtml;
mv docs/compiled_docs/singlehtml/index.html docs/compiled_docs/;
rm -rf docs/compiled_docs/singlehtml;
rm -rf docs/compiled_docs/doctrees;
@echo "\n\nNote: Documentation located at: ";\
echo "${PWD}/docs/compiled_docs/index.html";\
pdf-doc: --docs-depencencies ## Generate a Sphinx PDF documentation, with limited including API docs. (Optional)
@if command -v latexmk >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
$(MAKE) -C $(DOCS_DIR) latex; \
if [ -d "docs/compiled_docs/latex" ]; then \
$(MAKE) -C docs/compiled_docs/latex all-pdf LATEXMKOPTS=-quiet; \
mv docs/compiled_docs/latex/$(PACKAGE_NAME).pdf docs; \
rm -rf docs/compiled_docs/latex; \
rm -rf docs/compiled_docs/doctrees; \
fi; \
echo "\n\nNote: Documentation located at: "; \
echo "${PWD}/docs/$(PACKAGE_NAME).pdf"; \
else \
@echo "Note: Untested on WSL/MAC"; \
@echo " Please install the following packages in order to generate a PDF documentation.\n"; \
@echo " On Debian run:"; \
@echo " sudo apt install texlive-latex-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra latexmk"; \
fi \
view raw Makefile hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The Walk-through

Running the make without any targets generates a detailed usage doc. I will not go through the Makefile as it is well documented and self-explanatory.

$ make
python3 -c "$PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT" <  Makefile
Please use `make <target>` where <target> is one of

build-image          Build docker image from local Dockerfile.
build-cached-image   Build cached docker image from local Dockerfile.
bootstrap            Installs development packages, hooks and generate docs for development
dist                 Builds source and wheel package
dev                  Install the package in development mode including all dependencies
dev-venv             Install the package in development mode including all dependencies inside a virtualenv (container).
install              Check if package exist, if not install the package
venv                 Create virtualenv environment on local directory.
run-in-docker        Run example in a docker container
clean                Remove all build, test, coverage and Python artefacts
clean-build          Remove build artefacts
clean-docs           Remove docs/_build artefacts, except PDF and singlehtml
clean-pyc            Remove Python file artefacts
clean-test           Remove test and coverage artefacts
clean-docker         Remove docker image
lint                 Check style with `flake8` and `mypy`
checkmake            Check Makefile style with `checkmake`
formatter            Format style with `black` and sort imports with `isort`
install-hooks        Install `pre-commit-hooks` on local directory [see:]
pre-commit           Run `pre-commit` on all files
coverage             Check code coverage quickly with pytest
coveralls            Upload coverage report to
test                 Run tests quickly with pytest
view-coverage        View code coverage
changelog            Generate changelog for current repo
complete-docs        Generate a complete Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs.
docs                 Generate a single Sphinx HTML documentation, with limited API docs.
pdf-doc              Generate a Sphinx PDF documentation, with limited including API docs. (Optional)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


In one of my projects here I have an example.

make run-bootstrap
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

When executed the command above will:

  • Build a docker image based on the user and current working directory. eg: mmphego/face_detection
  • Download the models that OpenVINO uses for inference.
  • Adds current hostname/username to the list allowed to make connections to the X/graphical server and lastly,
  • Run the application inside the pre-built docker image.

Further your learning:

If you found this post helpful or unsure about something, leave a comment or reach out @twitter/mphomphego


This post was inspired by these posts below:


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