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Introducing Link Management Inspired by Docusaurus

Hello, friends! Today, I'd like to tell you about a new feature I made for my tool. I was really inspired by how Docusaurus, a popular tool, does things. Let's dive in!

What's My New Thing?

I made a new part for my tool. It does two main things:

  1. Looking at Links: It looks at all the links in a piece of writing to see if they work.
  2. Finding Broken Links: If a link doesn't work, my tool will tell you!

Docusaurus Gave Me an Idea!

Docusaurus is like a big brother tool. It has a smart way to handle links in writings. After seeing how Docusaurus works, I got an idea for my tool.

How Are They Alike?

Remember when we talked about this before? Here's how the two are alike:

1. Checking Links:

  • Docusaurus: Docusaurus checks every link to make sure it works.

  • My Tool: My tool does the same thing. It checks every link to see if it's correct.

2. Telling You About Bad Links:

  • Docusaurus & Our Chat Before: Docusaurus will tell you if a link is broken.

  • My Tool: My tool does that too! If a link is broken, it will let you know.

That's my story of how I made a new part for my tool. It's like giving it a new toy to play with. Thanks, Docusaurus, for the cool idea! And thank you for joining me on this fun journey.

you can find the code I got inspired by here
My Tool

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