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Making Coding Easier: My Story with Cool Coding Tools

Hi everyone! I want to share my story about making coding a lot easier and more fun with some cool tools.

The Tools I Used


Think of Prettier like a broom that sweeps your code and makes it look neat. It's not usually used for Python, the language I write in, but with a special add-on, it can tidy up Python code too.


Flake8 is like a friendly teacher who points out where you might have slipped up in your Python homework. It tells you about little mistakes and helps you write better code that looks good and follows the rules.

Visual Studio Code

VSCode is like my digital toolbox. It lets me write and fix code, and I can add all sorts of tools to it, like Prettier and Flake8, to make coding easier.

Setting Them Up

First, I set up Prettier to make sure my code lines are all nice and even. Then I put Flake8 in place to catch mistakes and keep everything super clean. I even made sure they both work right inside VSCode, so I can see and fix problems on the fly, just like autocorrect when you're typing a message.

Fixing Up My Code

When I got these tools working, they showed me a few spots where my code was a bit messy or could be better. I fixed those up, and now the code looks great and is easy to read.

Running the Tools Without a Hassle

To check my code, I can type a few words into my computer's command line (like asking it to do a quick check-up) and see if anything needs fixing. It's like having a spellchecker for coding.

Making Them Work With My Toolbox

I told VSCode to use these tools to tidy up my code every time I save a file, just like how your phone fixes typos automatically.

What I Learned

  • Having tools to clean up your code is awesome because it saves you time and helps you write better code.
  • Putting these tools right into the editor means less jumping around between programs.
  • Spending a bit of time to set things up makes everything easier later.

That's it! Using these tools was like getting a helping hand that's always there to make sure I write code that not only works but is also clean and easy for others to understand.

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