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My Journey with Removing Empty Methods in Uno Platform


Hello readers! Today, I would like to share my experience of diving into the Uno Platform and working on issue #13046 which involved the removal of two empty methods.

Issue Background

The main issue was with two methods, RestoreBindings and ClearBindings, found in the uno/src/Uno.UI/UI/Xaml/DependencyObjectStore.Binder.cs file. Both of these methods were empty and deemed unnecessary by the repository maintainers.

Preparing the Fix

I was lucky in that there wasn't much setup required for this fix. However, I did need to familiarize myself with the larger codebase, understand how these methods fit into the broader context, and ensure that their removal would not negatively impact other parts of the system.

Learning to Make the Fix

To get the context around these methods, I had to dive deep into the Uno Platform's data binding mechanisms. This helped me understand the purpose these methods once served and why they were now redundant.

The Code Fix

I simply removed the two empty methods from the DependencyObjectStore.Binder.cs file. Additionally, I ensured that there were no references to these methods anywhere in the project.


Research & Challenges
While the modification itself seemed straightforward, the challenge was understanding the broader architecture of the Uno Platform. I read through the platform's documentation and even browsed some related discussions on forums to understand potential ramifications of the removal.

One difficulty was navigating the large codebase and ensuring that no other parts of the system were relying on these methods. But with the help of Uno Platform's community and my prior knowledge of C#, I overcame this.

Interaction with Project Maintainers

After I made the necessary changes and created a Pull Request, I received feedback from the project maintainer, @jeromelaban, who informed me that although my changes were correct, they wouldn't be able to merge it into the master branch as they had placed the issue in the wrong bucket. This taught me the importance of communication and alignment in open-source projects.


Despite the slight hiccup at the end, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience contributing to the Uno Platform. The issue provided me with an opportunity to understand a new codebase, interact with the community, and refine my problem-solving skills. It's all a part of the open-source journey!


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