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Tackling the Button Size Issue in an Open-Source Fitness App


Contributing to open-source projects can be an enlightening experience. Recently, I had the opportunity to work on an open-source fitness app, where I faced a unique challenge: resolving the button size inconsistency on the workout screen. In this blog post, I'll share my journey in addressing this issue and how it helped improve the app's user interface.

Getting Started:

My adventure began when I expressed interest in contributing to the fitness app's development. To my delight, the project maintainer promptly assigned me to a task – fixing the button size issue on the workout screen. This experience provided me with valuable insights into open-source collaboration and problem-solving.

Understanding the Problem:

The button size inconsistency was a pre-existing issue that had been affecting the app's usability. As I dived into the project's codebase, I had to familiarize myself with its structure and coding conventions, ensuring that my contributions aligned with the project's existing standards.

Identifying the Culprit:

The primary challenge I faced was locating the specific code responsible for controlling button sizes on the workout screen. The app was built using React Native, and styles were defined using a combination of inline styles and external style sheets. Despite my experience with React Native, pinpointing the exact code affecting button sizes proved to be a bit of a puzzle.

The Solution:

After meticulous code exploration, I successfully identified the root cause of the button size inconsistency. It turned out that some button components lacked consistent size attributes. To resolve this, I added width and height properties to the button styles, ensuring uniformity in button sizes throughout the workout screen.

Appreciation for Feedback:

I am grateful for the opportunity to work on this open-source fitness app and contribute to its improvement. The button size issue may have been a small hiccup, but it served as a reminder of the power of collective contributions. Open source is a vibrant ecosystem where developers come together to create something greater than the sum of its parts.


My journey of addressing the button size issue in this open-source fitness app was both rewarding and educational. It highlighted the importance of collaboration, problem-solving, and maintaining a consistent user interface. As I continue to contribute to open-source projects, I look forward to more opportunities to make a positive impact on the software development community.

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