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Building in Public - Free Front End Coding Challenges


If you've read my blog post 7 Websites To Find Front End Projects For Your Portfolio β€” you've probably seen Good Code on the list. That's my side-project that I've created a year ago but had to pause work on because of my military service.

I'm now done with my military service and have resumed work on the project with so many exciting features and a rebrand.

Insights from Good Code

A few stats that I would like to build a hypothesis around and validate the idea.

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πŸ‘‰ With zero Marketing efforts, Good Code has been continuously receiving traffic.

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πŸ‘‰ With zero Marketing efforts, Good Code templates are downloaded at least 5 times a day.

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πŸ‘‰ With zero Marketing efforts, people are posting their solutions on Good Code for other people to view.

These insights are all great metrics to ascertain that the idea is validated and there is a market for this service, which is why I've decided to work on creating a full-fledged project with all the features necessary for the target user to benefit from.

Features Being Developed

πŸ‘‰ Complete redesign and rebranding.
πŸ‘‰ Ability to post your own solutions and receive back right on the website.
πŸ‘‰ Slack channel for more communication amongst beginner developers.
πŸ‘‰ Subscription for full-fledged themes (think onboarding, registration, dashboards, etc) and source files.

Rebranding Snippets

Landing Page

Landing Page.png

Challenge View



If you're someone who's constantly looking for more projects to work on, Codewell will provide lots of free high quality Adobe XD templates that you can use to sharpen your HTML and CSS skills. If you'd like to stay up to date with all the features being built and be notified when it goes public, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter here and follow me on Twitter .

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