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mohamed Tayel
mohamed Tayel

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Angular Fundamentals :Understanding the Anatomy of an Angular Application

Now that we understand what a web framework is, let’s explore Angular specifically by breaking down its key building blocks: components, services, and modules. These structures are essential in creating scalable, organized applications, and we'll visually guide you through each part.

1. Components: The Foundation of Angular Applications

An Angular application is primarily composed of components, which define the user interface (UI) for either a full page or part of a page. Each component is built with:

  • An HTML template for the UI layout (e.g., buttons, images, text).
  • TypeScript logic that defines how the component behaves, such as handling user interactions.

Unlike some frameworks like React, which combine HTML and JavaScript, Angular separates the two. The HTML template and TypeScript logic are stored in separate files for a cleaner structure. Importantly, Angular applications use TypeScript instead of regular JavaScript, adding static typing for better development experience.

For example, a product component could have a template that defines the layout of product images, buttons, and text, while the TypeScript logic controls what happens when a user clicks a button.

Here’s a simple illustration of an Angular component hierarchy:

Angular Component Hierarchy
In this image, the root app component loads first, and other components are loaded under it, forming a tree-like structure. Each component in this tree can represent part of the user interface and may contain child components.

2. Services: Logic Without the UI

While components manage the UI, services contain all the business logic, without any UI elements. Services are responsible for tasks like data fetching, and they are called by components when needed.

For instance, the product service might fetch data from an API, while the product component simply displays that data. This separation allows the component to focus solely on the UI and delegate complex operations like API calls to services.

This clear division of labor ensures that each component contains only the logic related to itself, while services handle reusable logic.

3. Component Hierarchies in Angular

Angular applications are built around a root component (usually called AppComponent), which is loaded first when the application starts. This root component often loads other components, creating a hierarchical or tree-like structure.

For example, when a user navigates to a specific URL in the app, Angular loads the page component corresponding to that route, which can, in turn, load multiple smaller components.

The following image illustrates this concept further:

Angular Component Hierarchy

Here, we can see how components are loaded in a tree-like structure. If a page is complex, it might be composed of smaller, nested components, which helps to keep the code organized and maintainable.

4. Routing in Angular

In most Angular applications, multiple pages or views exist, each mapped to a specific route. The Angular router is responsible for loading the right components based on the current URL.

When a user navigates to a different page (or route), Angular effectively starts a new component tree, loading the page-specific components and subcomponents. However, the root component remains loaded and manages navigation.

In this graphic, you can see how routing works in Angular:

Angular Component Hierarchy with Routes

The app component remains constant, and the router handles rendering the correct page component and its children based on the URL.

5. Angular Modules: Organizing Large Applications

As an Angular application grows, organizing and loading all components and services efficiently becomes crucial. This is where Angular modules come in.

Modules group together components, services, and directives, allowing the application to load them independently. For example, if a user navigates to a specific section of the app, only the necessary files (from the related module) are loaded, which improves performance and scalability.

Here’s an illustration of how modules work:

Angular Modules

In this diagram, you can see how a main module can contain several components and how feature modules can be created to group related components and services. By breaking the app into multiple modules, Angular can load specific sections of the app on-demand, optimizing performance.


Understanding the core building blocks of an Angular application—components, services, and modules—helps you develop a well-structured, scalable app. The tree-like component structure keeps the UI organized, while services allow you to maintain clean, reusable logic. As your app grows, Angular modules will help keep things optimized and easy to manage.

As we continue this series, we’ll dive deeper into each aspect of building Angular applications, starting with creating components and routing in a real-world project.

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