Have you ever feel the pain of your eye when you try to read large numeric literals, If not try to read the following values.
const num = 1000000000000;
There is a feature in javascript that enables underscore as a separator in numeric literals to improve readability.
const num = 1_000_000_000_000;
You can also use this for binary, octal, and hex numbers.
const n1 = 0b1010_0101_1001; // binary
const n2 = 0o2_3_5_7; // octal
const n3 = 0xA_B_C_D_E; // hex
There is good support for this feature in recent versions of browsers. To check for the support visit https://caniuse.com/#feat=mdn-javascript_grammar_numeric_separators.
I hope this adds something to your knowledge and useful β.
Note: I am always open to suggestions and accept mistakes. So please leave a comment
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