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Arpit Mohan
Arpit Mohan

Posted on • Originally published at

How to name software things, be a good programmer & work solo

My TL;DR style notes from articles I read today.

Effectively Naming Software Thingies

“Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute”
— Donald Knuth

  • Write intent revealing names. If the variable stores the last updated record, name it ‘lastUpdatedRecord’, not just ‘record’, or even ‘lastRecord’
  • Make clear distinctions. What kind of info will ‘ProductInfo’ has that the ‘ProductData’ won’t?
  • Add context to names. Put variable state in well-named classes.
  • Don’t abbreviate. Say ‘getWindow’ not ‘getWin’
  • Pick one word per abstract concept & stick with it. Using both fetch and retrieve will cause confusion. Pick and use only one.
  • Don’t pun, don’t make your readers mentally map names to something else.
  • Use conventions for common operations.
  • Avoid similar sounding & easily misspelled names.
  • Favor readability over brevity.

Full post here, 7 mins read

What Makes a Good Programmer?

  • Problem decomposition

    “…there are very few inherently hard programs. If you are looking at a piece of code and it looks very hard – if you can’t understand what this thing is supposed to be doing – that’s almost always an indication that it was poorly thought through. At that point you don’t roll up your sleeves and try to fix the code; you take a step back and think it through again. When you’ve thought it through enough, you’ll find out that it’s easy“.
    - Bernie Cosell

  • Scenario analysis: Good programmers always ask themselves - how can this break?

  • Naming things well

    “There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.”
    - Phil Karlton

  • Consistency: Consistency across your programming practices allows you to concentrate on essential complexity & and not accidental complexity.

  • Continuous learning about the developments in software engineering

Full post here, 5 mins read

Good Engineering Practices while Working Solo

When you are working solo, you are filling multiple roles on a project. Following these practices help with a good outcome:

  • Stick to a workflow
  • Organize & share components
  • Write documentation
  • Monitor
  • Observe & iterate
  • Communicate regularly with the rest of the team/client

Full post here, 11 mins read

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Top comments (8)

zeslova profile image
Simon Newby • Edited

I'm feeling bad about the database I tossed up last week where all the ID columns are called ID rather than <tablenameID now... 😳

mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

I actually prefer that instead of tablenameID. I typically don't like alliteration in my SQL queries or code function calls. I'd much rather invoke select * from users where id = ? instead of select * from users where userid=?

I find the first one more readable and understandable as well.

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas • Edited

This isn't generally bad. I worked with both and having TableNameID makes a lot of sense when you write more SQL code. It makes join conditions way easier to read.

zeslova profile image
Simon Newby

Yeah definitely, and since I'm using the ids to correspond to other numeric columns in one base table then using a view to display strings instead of underlying integers, I think it's passable for the time being.

danyalasif profile image

It seems pretty okay for a database since the context gives it meaning and using 'id' is pretty common in database lands. i.e. don't feel bad!

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

I've recently made a change in our api where we had three data properties where each meant totally different thing. 🤔

mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

Are they now named data1 , data2 and data3 ? 😛

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

No! : ) It is paginated research data and JSON previously looked like this:

    "page": 1,
    "size": 3,
    "total": 3,
    "data": [
            "countryId": 1,
            "categoryId": 2,
            "data": [
                { "year": 2012, "data": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2013, "data": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2014, "data": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2015, "data": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2016, "data": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2017, "data": 123.45 }

Now it's been renamed to be as follows, which is 1000 times better!

    "page": 1,
    "size": 3,
    "total": 3,
    "results": [
            "countryId": 1,
            "categoryId": 2,
            "timeSeries": [
                { "year": 2012, "value": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2013, "value": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2014, "value": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2015, "value": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2016, "value": 123.45 },
                { "year": 2017, "value": 123.45 }