DEV Community

What Technologies Do You Use Every Day? Let's Discuss! 🀝

Mohamed Ibrahim on February 12, 2025

As developers, we rely on various technologies, frameworks, and tools to streamline our workflow and enhance productivity. Recently, I started a di...
olgabraginskaya profile image
Olga Braginskaya β€’

Great post! As a data engineer, my daily stack looks a bit different. I work with Python, Argo Workflows or Airflow to manage pipelines, and various databases depending on the project. I also use Docker and Kubernetes for deployment, Jupyter Notebooks for quick analysis, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD. ChatGPT and Warp are my go-to tools for AI help. It’s always cool to see what others useβ€”thanks for sharing!

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

Wow! You look like an expert.

mileswk profile image
MilesWK β€’

When I develop websites, I use hexee to get hex codes. I created it, and I use it everyday as there is not a "stupid simple" tool out there aside from the one that is on chrome when you look up "hex code"

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

Seems great! I'll try it

zethix profile image
Andrey Rusev β€’

Haha, my list of everyday tech will be a bit boring:

  • MDX :)

At the moment I'm trying to figure out how far can Code Hoke go in terms of how we do code examples in our docs.

P.S. I am not a web developer or something...

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

Yeah I'm using markdown in my websites as well.. I didn't try code hoke before but seems so good .. thank you for mentioning... ❀

kwnaidoo profile image
Kevin Naidoo β€’

A TypeScript fan 😊 Nice set of tools you have there. I use:

  • Laravel / Echo (GO) / Python (FastAPI)
  • nohup - so I can run long-running tasks in the background and keep a log.
  • Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB - all for different reasons mostly scaling issues.
  • tmux - similar to nohup but for dev servers.
  • Claude to generate boring code I don't want to write and other research.
  • Hetzner - build servers and cloud stuff.
  • SSH, vi, nano - move around servers.
moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

Wow ! Expert

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo β€’

Tailwind, HTML CSS JS JSDoc, pnpm vercel, express

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

No JavaScript framework?

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo β€’
skhmt profile image
Mike πŸˆβ€β¬› β€’


everything else is pretty industry standard.

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

The perfect whiteboard SDK ever! ❀

kurealnum profile image
Oscar β€’

Outside from general software development purposes, I use Neovim for notetaking.

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

Seems great! I will try it.

incgnito profile image
incgnito β€’

Devops engineer here.
Terraform, GitHub actions workflow, vault,
Docker , shell scripts and compute, storage,IAM , data analytics services on Google , AZURE and AWS.

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

Seems Expert!

bankai2054 profile image
anas barkallah β€’ β€’ Edited

I am new here and interested in IT, science, and development in. I use Copilot, Claude, and DeepSeek for learning purposes. Thank you for reading.

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim β€’

That's amazing... Just keep going. ❀