DEV Community

Cover image for Encryption - The One Byte Explainer Secret
Mohammed Agboola
Mohammed Agboola

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Encryption - The One Byte Explainer Secret

This is a submission for DEV Computer Science Challenge v24.06.12: One Byte Explainer.


ENCRYPTION can be expanded to explain the concept:

Ensuring Network Confidentiality Requires Your Private Text Is Obscured Neatly.

Additional Context

This explainer not only defines the term but also outlines its purpose and process:

  1. Ensuring confidentiality in networks.
  2. Requiring that private text is neatly obscured, i.e., converted into a secure format.

Top comments (2)

afoma profile image

Congratulations Mohammed. I'm interested in seeing more articles from you.

abdul_rahmankoleibrahim profile image
Abdul Rahman Kole-Ibrahim

Go, Mohammed! Keep the flames blazing!