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Gunnar Gissel
Gunnar Gissel

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Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions - Part 1

Originally posted on my blog

Developers can sink a lot of hours into fighting business rule code. Spaghetti business rules make it so little changes need to be copy pasted repeatedly throughout if/else blocks. It's like trying to shoehorn an elephant into a Smart Car, when it should be like snapping together legos.

Anyone who has worked on a 'mature' set of business rules knows that untangling what is going on is extremely hard. If cramming the elephant into the Smart Car was tough, getting it out is an order of magnitude tougher. I'm going to show how to make your Smart Car-driving elephant a little happier.

Business rules are your money-makers and form the essence of your business's being. They also change a lot. This dynamic often leads to rushed work in business rules and over the long run creates a nasty mess right in the heart of your money maker. A nasty mess is hard to read and even harder to figure out what it is supposed to be doing.

Further, the OO way of encapsulating business rules is either fundamentally inadequate, or so widely misunderstood by working developers that the common pattern is a god class that mutates everything it touches. Testing a huge class, stuffed with spaghetti and mutators is daunting, at best, impossible at worst. No tests make it very hard to develop without fear.

Here's a set of techniques for making the code easier to follow, so you can put your effort into understanding your stakeholders and making sure what's in the code is what they want to be in the code.

This will teach you how to untangle business rules, so you can easily work with them.


Deep nesting impairs readability. Even when developers use tabs well and are consistent with their curly brace usage, around the 3rd layer of if/else statements, it starts getting hard to tell what particular branch you are reading.

Is this the one with the null child object? I'll just check for null again here really quick

Avoid this kind of impulse by structuring your code so there is never any doubt about what you are checking.

Long conditions that reach deep into child or grandchild objects also impair readability. Stakeholders never say (unless they've been terribly abused) something like:

If the transfer type code is 200 and it's not in areas 907, 412 or 213, then it's not allowed

  1. That's got more "nots" than a human likes to say
  2. Humans don't usually go on about codes.

They might say something like:

If it's a partner transaction, we only allow it in partner areas

If your code takes mental backflips to match how your stakeholders talk, you're gonna have a bad time. So are they, and they won't even know why.


Gnarly business rule code is hard to test. The twists and turns of deeply nested if/else statements are easy to get lost in, easy to forget a branch and sometimes just plain impossible to set up in a testing harness. No tests mean every change is dangerous - you are one misplaced }, or backwards > from giving your users a headache.

Gnarly business rule code seems to encourage devs to mutate the objects it is validating. I don't know why this is, but I've seen it many times in the wild. State mutation amps up the testing difficulty by an order of magnitude. Now, not only must you test for messages and expected errors, but you must detect changes to the object you are validating. Are they intentional? Are they correct?

Who knows? I promise no one wrote it down.

Response speed

Stakeholders, users, managers and developers constantly engage in timeline tug of war. Technical debt hamstrings developers' ability to give their users what they need. A good 'tell' that your system has a lot of technical debt is users can easily describe a feature, but developers can't easily implement it. The simplest things turn into month long bushwhacking exercises.

To me, nothing says bushwhacking like coming down a mountain, getting off trail and fighting through Devil's Club and loose scree -

Wait. I meant nothing says bushwhacking like coming into a method and getting on the wrong nested if/else branch and fixing something that wasn't broken in the first place. Or noticing that 100 lines of code have never, ever been executed, because they wouldn't work. Or any number of the fun surprises that spaghetti-fied business rules bring.


Composability lets you create new rules out of old rules. Most new business rules have a lot in common with existing rules. The ability to combine existing rules and add that one special case is extremely powerful. Your stakeholders will be amazed at your turnaround time!

The spaghetti style is anti-composable. Copy-pasting, duplicating code and mangling switch statements are practically requirements with spaghetti-ed business rules. Good luck re-using something to get at the one

Example Bad Code

Here's an example of standard Java business logic that evaluates a business object (BusinessTransfer) and creates messages to return to the user if it violates business rules:

public static final String checkWidgetTransfer(WidgetTransfer transfer) {
    String businessRuleErrors = "";

    if (transfer.getTransferer().getAccount(transfer.getFromAccount()).getBalance().compareTo(transfer.getAmount()) < 0) {
        businessRuleErrors += "Insufficient balance to transfer ; ";

    if (transfer.getTransferTypeCode().equals("200")) {
        if (!transfer.getAreaCode().matches("907|412|213")) {
            businessRuleErrors += "This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; ";
        } else if (!transfer.getAreaCode().matches("213")) {
            if (transfer.getTransferer().getCategory().equals("D")) {
                businessRuleErrors += "D Category Transferer can only be transferred in transfer area 213. ; ";
    } else if (transfer.getTransferTypeCode().equals("710")) {
        if (!transfer.getAreaCode().matches("574|213|363|510")) {
            businessRuleErrors += "This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; ";

    if (transfer.getTypeCode().equals("I")) {
        if (isBlockSize(transfer)) {
            businessRuleErrors += "Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ";
        if (isTotalOverCap(transfer)) {
            businessRuleErrors += "This transfer is too large. ; ";

    return businessRuleErrors;

public static boolean isBlockSize(WidgetTransfer transfer) {
    return transfer.getAmount().compareTo(1000) < 0;

public static boolean isTotalOverCap(WidgetTransfer transfer) {
    return transfer.getAmount().compareTo(1000000) > 0;
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The above example is inspired by actual code running in the wild. What I show here is simplified, and anonymized. It's as hard to read as the original. Effectively reading it takes knowledge of what a "200" transfer type code is or what is acceptable data for different transfer area codes. The parentheses are nested, which makes copy-pasting (a common technique for working with this style of code) perilous. A dev can't afford to miss a single curly bracket without causing a hard-to-debug problem.

Logic Block Paradigm Shift

A quick way of refactoring long branching if/else code is to dispense with branches and with elses. By rephrasing each business rule into a positive constraint, a developer can check to see if the constraint conditions are met, rather than walking a branching logic tree. This technique increases line count a little, but improves readability a lot.

Another low hanging fruit is to create instance variables to hold values, rather than use getters (or worse, nested getters!). This gives the ability to name what a thing is in the context you are using it in, rather than relying on getters to have a good name in your context.

public static final String checkWidgetTransfer(WidgetTransfer transfer ) {
String businessRuleErrors = "";
Integer balance = transfer.getTransferer().getAccount(transfer.getFromAccount()).getBalance();
Integer transferAmount = transfer.getAmount();
String transferTypeCode = transfer.getTransferTypeCode();
String areaCode = transfer.getAreaCode();
String category = transfer.getTransferer().getCategory();
String typeCode = transfer.getTypeCode();
if (balance.compareTo(transferAmount) &gt; 0) {
    businessRuleErrors += "Insufficient balance to transfer ; ";

    if (transferTypeCode.equals("200")
            &amp;&amp; !areaCode.matches("907|412|213")) {
        businessRuleErrors += "This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; ";

if (transferTypeCode.equals("200")
        &amp;&amp; areaCode.matches("213")
        &amp;&amp; category.equals("D")) {
    businessRuleErrors += "D Category Transferer can only be transferred in transfer area 213. ; ";

if (transferTypeCode.equals("710")
        &amp;&amp; !areaCode.matches("574|213|363|510")) {
    businessRuleErrors += "This area is not an eligible area. ; ";


if (!typeCode.equals("I")
        &amp;&amp; !isBlockSize(transfer)) {
    businessRuleErrors += "Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ";

if (!typeCode.equals("I")
        &amp;&amp; isTotalOverCap(transfer)) {
    businessRuleErrors += "This transfer is too large. ; ";

return businessRuleErrors;
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The Good

  • The above code is much more readable.
    • Each business rule is contained in its own block of logic
    • All the properties needed to determine whether a condition has been met are named.
    • You can describe each business rule as written and it very nearly sounds like English.
  • The logic blocks are small and discrete.
    • There are no nested curly braces, so you'll have a hard time getting lost in the code.

The Bad

  • Business knowledge of what codes mean is still required
    • What is a "200" transfer type code? The code doesn't say, so hopefully it is documented somewhere...
  • Negative conditionals abound - if (!typeCode.equals("I"))
    • Negative conditionals are a little hard to say, and are harder to reason with than positive conditionals.
  • Still mutating those businessErrorMessages
    • This is just one more thing to set up in a unit test

What's Next?

Check out Part II to see what comes next!

You'll see:

  • How to use Predicates to make your life better
  • Using actual objects, and not just their properties, to make your life better
  • Using Functions and validator objects, to make your life better

We'll try to get that elephant in his Smart Car, but mostly we'll try to make your life better.

If you like this, visit my blog for more


Thank you Volantra for the right facing Smart Car Pic

Thank youroebot for the left facing Smart Car

Thank you Oliver Dodd for the elephant

Thank you Neils Heidenreich for the mutant strawberry

Thank you Peter Stevens for the Devil's Club

Thank you NASA, ESA, N. Smith (U. California, Berkeley) et al., and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) for the Carina Nebula

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Top comments (7)

mbtts profile image

Excellent article and thank you for sharing. I enjoyed following along as this is a good example of believable "real world" code. It is important to develop strategies to manage and transform it such that it is easier to reason about.

TLDR: Before touching any legacy code (no matter how small the change might be) it is also very important to add test coverage first. If this refactor were to have been made on production code it would have improved the quality of the code, but it would have also introduced errors to the validation.

From static analysis (admittedly my static analysis skills are not the best) there were a couple of changes which are not logically equivalent and alter the behaviour of the validation:

D Category Transferer can only be transferred in transfer area 213


if (transfer.getTransferTypeCode().equals("200")) {
    if (!transfer.getAreaCode().matches("907|412|213")) {
        businessRuleErrors += "This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; ";
    } else if (!transfer.getAreaCode().matches("213")) {
        if (transfer.getTransferer().getCategory().equals("D")) {
            businessRuleErrors += "D Category Transferer can only be transferred in transfer area 213. ; ";


if (transferTypeCode.equals("200")
    && areaCode.matches("213")
    && category.equals("D")) {
    businessRuleErrors += "D Category Transferer can only be transferred in transfer area 213. ; ";

In the original version the message is displayed if the area code is not 213, whereas in the refactored version the message is displayed if the area code is 213.

Amount is too small for I type transfer


if (transfer.getTypeCode().equals("I")) {
    if (isBlockSize(transfer)) {
        businessRuleErrors += "Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ";
    if (isTotalOverCap(transfer)) {
        businessRuleErrors += "This transfer is too large. ; ";


if (!typeCode.equals("I")
        && !isBlockSize(transfer)) {
    businessRuleErrors += "Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ";

if (!typeCode.equals("I")
        && isTotalOverCap(transfer)) {
    businessRuleErrors += "This transfer is too large. ; ";

The original runs block size and cap checks if the type code is I, whereas in the refactored version these checks are run if the type code is not I.

Augmenting the static analysis with some unit tests picked up a few more differences:

The comparator has been switched the wrong way around.


if (transfer.getTransferer().getAccount(transfer.getFromAccount()).getBalance().compareTo(transfer.getAmount()) < 0)


if (balance.compareTo(transferAmount) > 0) {

The error message has changed for the validation of transfer type code 710.


else if (transfer.getTransferTypeCode().equals("710")) {
    if (!transfer.getAreaCode().matches("574|213|363|510")) {
        businessRuleErrors += "This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; ";


if (transferTypeCode.equals("710")
    && !areaCode.matches("574|213|363|510")) {
    businessRuleErrors += "This area is not an eligible area. ; ";

The isBlockSize check has been inverted.


if (transfer.getTypeCode().equals("I")) {
    if (isBlockSize(transfer)) {
        businessRuleErrors += "Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ";


if (!typeCode.equals("I")
     && !isBlockSize(transfer)) {
    businessRuleErrors += "Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ";

Tests are below.

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.given;
public class MainTest {
private WidgetTransfer transfer;
private Transferer transferer;
private Account fromAccount;
public void before() {
public void checkWidgetTransfer_withInsufficientFunds_createsInsufficientBalanceMessage() {
configureMocks(100, 101, "1", "A", "1", "A");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("Insufficient balance to transfer ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_partnerTransactionOutsidePartnerArea_createsIneligibleAreaMessage() {
configureMocks(100, 50, "200", "A", "212", "A");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_partnerTransactionOutsidePartnerArea_createsCompositeMessage() {
configureMocks(100, 999, "200", "I", "212", "A");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("Insufficient balance to transfer ; This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_withDCategoryTransferOutsideArea213_createsDCategoryTransfererMessage() {
configureMocks(100, 50, "200", "A", "907", "D");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("D Category Transferer can only be transferred in transfer area 213. ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_withDCategoryTransferOutsideArea213_createsCompositeMessage() {
configureMocks(100, 999, "200", "I", "907", "D");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("Insufficient balance to transfer ; D Category Transferer can only be transferred in transfer area 213. ; Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_transferType710ToInvalidArea_createsIneligibleAreaMessage() {
configureMocks(100, 50, "710", "A", "212", "A");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_transferType710ToInvalidArea_createsCompositeMessage() {
configureMocks(100, 1000001, "710", "I", "212", "A");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("Insufficient balance to transfer ; This area is not a transfer eligible area. ; This transfer is too large. ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_withTooSmallTypeITransfer_createsTransferTooSmallMessage() {
configureMocks(1000, 999, "1", "I", "212", "A");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("Amount is too small for I type transfer. ; ", result);
public void checkWidgetTransfer_withTooLargeTypeITransfer_createsTransferTooLargeMessage() {
configureMocks(1000001, 1000001, "1", "I", "212", "A");
String result = Main.checkWidgetTransfer(transfer);
assertEquals("This transfer is too large. ; ", result);
private void configureMocks(int balance,
int transferAmount,
String transferTypeCode,
String typeCode,
String areaCode,
String category) {
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monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel

Good catch! I'm flattered someone would read close enough to catch business logic errors. You're completely right that you should have a test suite before starting a refactor of any significance - I think I provided a pretty good, if inadvertent, example of why!

What you're describing is familiar - I coded the examples in my cms (which is what you're seeing here). When I put them into actual code I noticed exactly what you are describing, thanks to my unit test suite. I made a mental note to change my blog posts, but I guess I never got around to it :)

You inspired me to double check my repo, and I see some optimization in the tests I could make - I've got some duplicated code, and refactor 5 is failing.

It's interesting writing examples where you try to retain all the versions - normally I'd just have a single test class, but here I ended up with multiple test classes all doing roughly the same thing. Looking it over it's because the return type changes slightly over the course of my refactor.

monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel

Pushed out a lunch time fix to the repo, we'll see if I get to the blog posts this evening

putopavel profile image
Pavel Razgovorov

Waiting for the part 2

monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel
monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel

I'm typing furiously as we speak

loebkes profile image

I liked the Article. Thank you for that.

I also like to mention that introducing instance variables like this could be a source of danger if the used functions have side effects you didn't see.

Something like:

if (isSomethingWithoutSideEffects() && isSomethingWithSideEffects()) {
// stuff

Here the isSomethingWithSideEffects() will only be executed if the first isSomethingWithoutSideEffects() evaluates to true


boolean first = isSomethingWithoutSideEffects();
boolean second = isSomethingWithSideEffects();

will both be executed.

Have a nice evening :)

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