Let's get started quickly I found new things in Laravel 9.4 Released I wanted to share with you.
- Add soleValue method to query builders
new soleValue() method to query builders to return a column from the sole value instead of the whole record
// bails if there is not exactly one result,
// but returns an object
// returns just the value, but no safety around
// there being exactly one result
// To get the ID, we must do
// This update allows the following usage
// Bails if there is not exactly one result
// and returns just the value
- Add String lcfirst() Method https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/41384
Str::lcfirst('Laravel'); // laravel
Str::lcfirst('Laravel framework'); // laravel framework
Str::lcfirst('Мама'); // мама
Str::lcfirst('Мама мыла раму'); // мама мыла раму
- Add “Mutex” column to schedule:list command
Here’s an example of the output based outlined in the above issue
$ php artisan schedule:list
| Command | Interval | Description | Next Due | Has Mutex |
| '/usr/bin/php8.0' 'artisan' mycommands:something | */2 * * * * | Process something | 2022-03-03 10:22:00 +00:00 | Yes |
| '/usr/bin/php8.0' 'artisan' mycommands:otherthing | */2 * * * * | Process otherthing | 2022-03-03 10:22:00 +00:00 | |
- Support for Modifying a char Column Type
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->char('name', 50)->nullable()->change();
I hope you enjoyed with me and to learn more about this release visit the sources and search more. I adore you who search for everything new.
Source :- https://laravel-news.com/laravel-9-4-0
Source :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpo-5rL4_g4
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