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Morcos Gad
Morcos Gad

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NumberFormatter - PHP

Today we will talk about an old feature of php that appeared in version 5.3.0 in converting numbers into different languages ​​​​depending on the country and is coordinated with commas and periods. I found this wonderful information in the source


function getFormattedNumber(
    $locale = 'ar_EG',
    $style = NumberFormatter::DECIMAL,
    $precision = 2,
    $groupingUsed = true,
    $currencyCode = 'EGP',
) {
    $formatter = new NumberFormatter($locale, $style);
    $formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, $precision);
    $formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::GROUPING_USED, $groupingUsed);
    if ($style == NumberFormatter::CURRENCY) {
        $formatter->setTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE, $currencyCode);

    return $formatter->format($value);

echo getFormattedNumber(12345678.9); //١٢٬٣٤٥٬٦٧٨٫٩٠

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 12345678.9,
    locale: 'pt_BR'
); //12.345.678,90

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 12345678.9,
    locale: 'fr_FR'
); //12 345 678,90

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 12345678.90,
    precision: 1
); //١٢٬٣٤٥٬٦٧٨٫٩

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 12345678.90,
    groupingUsed: false
); //١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٫٩٠

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 12345678.90,
    locale: 'fr_FR',
    style: NumberFormatter::CURRENCY,
    currencyCode: 'EUR',
); //12 345 678,90 €

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 12345678,
    style: NumberFormatter::PADDING_POSITION,
    precision: 3
); //١٢٫٣٤٦ مليون

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 12345678,
    style: NumberFormatter::SPELLOUT
); //إثنا عشر مليون و ثلاثة مائة و خمسة و أربعون ألف و ستة مائة و ثمانية و سبعون

echo getFormattedNumber(
    value: 0.123,
    style: NumberFormatter::PERCENT,
    precision: 1
); //١٢٫٣٪

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