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Discussion on: Which mainstream programming language has the ugliest syntax?

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

A C++ variadic template, with move operations, lambdas, and static conditions, is essentially unreadable.

skyrpex profile image
Cristian Pallarés

We need a simpler syntax for C++ :)

cbordeman profile image
Chris Bordeman

We need to switch to Rust. :)

ybalrid profile image
Arthur Brainville

Some recent addition to the language help with that. Things like "if constexpr" permit to get rid of some SFINAE, and lambdas are generally helpfull into simplifying some code.

Well, even if the syntax for lambdas is...

[&](const std::string& some_adjective){std::cout << "... a bit " << some_adjective << " sometimes ...\n";}("laborious");

(this is just an useless example of code that nobody should ever write)


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skyrpex profile image
Cristian Pallarés

Indeed. +1 for using \n instead of std::eol.

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ybalrid profile image
Arthur Brainville

Indeed! (You probably mean std::endl ;-))

And yes, this thing is the devil and should not be used. I'm sad so much books and courses about C++ use this thing as a "new line" character, it is not. It happens to print one before flushing.

std::cin and std::cout will synchronize themselves, you don't need to flush by hand, you just makes your program slower that it should be, and this tend to make me angry ;-)

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skyrpex profile image
Cristian Pallarés

Oh yeah, I meant std::endl... haha I have read too much about LF and CRLF eol's these days

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ybalrid profile image
Arthur Brainville

Remark, I wouldn't be a bad thing to have a global called "eol" or "lf" in std that doesn't flush the output. :-)

But it's really a shame that they called this thing "endl"...

eljayadobe profile image

All of C++ is a syntactical morass.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

True, but filled with little hidden gems, thus we continue to slog through it.