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edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

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What do you do when StackOverflow and the internet fails you?

You're happily coding and hit a small technical snag. You focus on your search box and trawl the internet looking for answers. StackOverflow et al have some related things, but not exactly. You spend a few more hours using that knowledge, looking for new solutions. But alas, it's not working. Rinse, repeat: more net crawling.

At some point you hit a dead end. There's no more relevant information online. You've gone through the docs, the examples, the issue systems, and the Q&A sites, but nothing has helped.

You may even up the ante and start asking questions. And should the comments on StackOverflow not completely demotivate you, you clarify the question, cross-reference and continue to hope somebody can help.

Alas, no answers appear.

What do you do now?

Latest comments (40)

_rodrigooliv profile image
Rodrigo Martins • Edited

1 - Ask for help to other devs
2 - It's your turn to use the best of your skills to find a solution on your own and share it with the internet

rdmihov profile image
Radoslav Mihov

The internet has never failed me!

That's where all the documentation is.

straleb profile image
Strahinja Babić

Speaking for myself, i try a different approach, if it doesnt work, then change everything to make it work, takes some time xD but at the end if it works then its great hehe :)

cess11 profile image

It's unlikely Knuth or SICP doesn't cover it or similar small snags.

If they fail me Cormen's Intro to Algorithms will have to suffice.

fatoshalilaj profile image
Fatos Halilaj
  1. First: I always think somebody in the world has faced the same problem and I keep looking not longer than a day or two ( as said - dead end)

  2. Decompose my problem into smaller parts as possible

  3. Provide alternatives - I always have a few of them. The best one always kills me until I get a solution

  4. Check Microsoft documentation if related to MS in my case

  5. If no solution found yet, I use an old code 'goto: 1'

ullas0003 profile image

If internet fails, Pair programming or rubber duck debugging are good options.

kdavis profile image
Kim Davis • Edited

1) Take a break from looking at the code. Oftentimes, taking a shower helps me solve problems.

2) Discuss it with a non-coder. Having to explain the problem to someone in layman's terms often helps me realize what is going wrong.

3) Break it down into sections to figure out exactly what is working and what isn't.

4) Start thinking outside the box.

lancecontreras profile image
Lance Contreras • Edited

If you're on a dead end, ask someone else. If no one can answer you, start to break into the source, if you still can't fix it then wait, someone else will fix it. If you're on a deadline, buy more time or offer some alternative.

You should always consider how big the problem is. If stackoverflow or google can't help you, maybe it's not that big of a problem and no one cares about it. Maybe there's a better solution without having to deal with that problem.

jjjjcccjjf profile image

Sometimes all you need is a different perspective from another dev ☺

winkervsbecks profile image
Varun Vachhar

This is usually my process:

  1. Try to isolate the problem. If possible, replicate the issue in a CodePen, jsbin, etc. The act of doing this can sometimes help you find a solution.

  2. Search Github issues. This is actually my first stop instead of stack-overflow.

  3. Read the source code, look at code comments, sometimes there are examples in the repo and maybe there is a wiki.

  4. Google for blog posts, examples, tutorials. Be specific in your search. Pick the appropriate part of the stack trace instead of searching for the whole thing.

  5. Explain the problem to a co-worker. So often I will answer my own question just by saying the problem out loud. Try pairing on it.

  6. File a github issue and attach the example replicating the problem. Consider re-evaluating your mental model. When I'm new to something I find that this is often a challenge. I'm asking the wrong question or things aren't quite what I expect them to be.

agazaboklicka profile image
Aga Zaboklicka

I take a break. Thank I look at the problem again. If I still can't find the solution it I look for similar situations online. Then I ask around, coz some people may have a good idea or few tips that point me in the right direction :D If internet fails, ask the people around. There's usually someone smarter than you in the room. (If there's not, than change a room ;))

martinbober profile image
Martin Bober

Computers are no magical boxes, when they fail us, it is for a reason. Possible reasons are:

  1. You are defective. This is the most likely. In that case, get another set of (hopefully less defective) eyeballs or repair yourself. The other comments have enough suggestions on how to do it.

  2. Your hardware is defective. This also happens quite often (at least to me). Can the issue be reproduced on other similar devices?

  3. Your toolchain is defective. Depending on which toolchain you use, this may or may not be likely. How much can you reduce the project with the issue still present? Does the byte code do what you told it to do in high-level language?

Did I miss any?

jessachandler profile image
Jess Chandler


  • Consider quitting and doing something else.
  • Start over in a nice clean directory or branch git checkout -b f-it-i-dunno
  • Beg on twitter with lots of hashtags
  • Put the issue on SO, linking to the REAL issue (if it is on a repo or something)
  • Read a book instead...the problem won't be fixed, but you could be happier

these look pretty snarky, but this is what I do. :)

strredwolf profile image

Strangely enough, don't get a rubber duck. Get a plushie toy duck, plonk it down somewhere away from your desk, label it "Level 0 Technical Support".

When you get something that completely frustrates you, get up, go to the duck, and tell it your problem.

If you somehow realize the answer to the problem, the duck worked. :)

jessachandler profile image
Jess Chandler dog and cat both have this role. The cat is better for the role, though, because she talks back less.

burdettelamar profile image
Burdette Lamar

Sometimes taking a nap helps.