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Moya Richards
Moya Richards

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Resolving Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Push Errors

Step by step guide to resolving Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) issues with Docker Images for CLI and DockerImageFunction

Source Code : Example CDK construct with lambda function:


Common ECR Push Errors

Here are some typical errors you might encounter when pushing images to ECR:

Issue Discussion is here:

These are the steps I took to fix the issue below

  • 400 Bad Request Errors - Manifest Issues:
  fail: docker push xyz.dkr.ecr.*… exited with error code 1: failed commit on ref "manifest-sha256:" … : unexpected status from PUT request to https://xyz.dkr.ecr.* 400 Bad Request. Failed to publish asset
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  • Lambda Stabilization Failures - InvalidImage:
  Resource handler returned message: "Lambda function ... reached terminal FAILED state due to InvalidImage(ImageLayerFailure: UnsupportedImageLayerDetected - Layer Digest sha256:...) and failed to stabilize" (RequestToken: ..., HandlerErrorCode: NotStabilized)
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Fixing ECR Push Errors

1. Enable Docker BuildKit

Set the DOCKER_BUILDKIT environment variable to enable BuildKit

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Add these variables to your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.profile) to persist the setting.

Alternatively, use docker buildx instead of docker build for extended BuildKit capabilities

To setup Docker build as a pass-through to Docker Buildx:
First make sure that you have Docker Buildx installed docker buildx version. It's included by default in new versions of Docker Desktop and in Docker Engine.

alias 'docker build'='docker buildx build'
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Note: to delete alias unalias 'docker build'

Add this alias to your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.profile) to persist the setting.

2. Clean Up ECR Repositories

  • Prune Local Docker Images: Remove unused local Docker images with:
  docker system prune --all
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  • Delete Empty Images: Locate and remove images with 0-byte layers from the ECR registry using the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI.

Delete empty images via AWS CLI Script

is_command_present() {
    type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1

install_jq() {
    printf "\n${YELLOW}PACKAGE CHECK:${NC}Ensuring that you are up to date on the following package: ${RED}jq${NC}\n"

    printf "\n${GREEN}Checking for jq installation.${NC}\n"

    # Check for jq installation
    if is_command_present "jq"; then
        echo "jq is already installed."
        brew install jq


repositories=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --query 'repositories[*].repositoryName' --output text)

for repo in $repositories; do
    echo "\nProcessing repository: $repo"

    # Get the list of image digests in the repository
    image_ids=$(aws ecr list-images --repository-name $repo --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --query 'imageIds[*]' --output json)

    echo $image_ids | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r image; do
        digest=$(echo $image | jq -r '.imageDigest')

        # Get the image details
        image_details=$(aws ecr describe-images --repository-name $repo --image-ids imageDigest=$digest --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
        #echo "image_details for $tags:\n $image_details"

        # Get all tags for this image
        tags=$(echo $image_details | jq -r '.imageDetails[0].imageTags[]' 2>/dev/null | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')

        image_size=$(echo $image_details | jq '.imageDetails[0].imageSizeInBytes')

        echo "\nImage digest: $digest\nRepository name: $repo \nImage tags: $tags"
        # Check if the image size is 0 bytes
        if [ "$image_size" = "0" ]; then
            echo "Image is empty, deleting image with digest $digest"
            aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name $repo --image-ids imageDigest=$digest --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION

            # Run the AWS ECR delete command
            output=$(aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name $repo --image-ids imageDigest=$digest --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)

            # Check for failures or success
            echo "$output" | jq '
            if .failures | length > 0 then
                "Deletion Failure: \(.failures[0].failureReason)"
                "Success: Image deleted"
            echo "Image Size: $image_size bytes\nImage not empty [image not deleted]"
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3. Create a New ECR Repository Tag for Your ECR Container Docker Image

For Lambda DockerImageFunction, AWS CDK automatically manages image tagging and pushing to Amazon ECR. The image is tagged with a hash based on its content, ensuring that changes result in a new tag.

Options to Force a New Tag in the ECR Registry

Use one of these approaches to force a new tag, repeat this step if you continue to encounter issues with stale or problematic images:

  1. Update the Docker Build Context - IE. Modifying the Lambda Handler Source Code

    Modifying files in the Docker build context (many any change to the source code) will trigger a new content-based hash and a new image tag.

  2. Update the Dockerfile

    Modifying the Dockerfile (e.g., adding or changing COPY or ENV instructions) will generate a new content hash and tag.

  3. Change the Logical ID of the DockerImageFunction in Your CDK Stack

    Renaming the logical ID in the CDK stack forces the creation of a new resource, triggering a new image tag even without content changes.

Example: Changing the Logical ID of a Lambda DockerImageFunction

// Old function ID
const prepareDataFn = new cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageFunction(
    code: cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageCode.fromImageAsset(
      path.join(__dirname, "path-to-docker-build-context")

// New function ID
const prepareDataFn = new cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageFunction(
    code: cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageCode.fromImageAsset(
      path.join(__dirname, "path-to-docker-build-context")
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Example - Command-Line Docker tagging

Provide a new name for the docker tag.
Note: for the cli you tag the image after you build it

docker tag my_image_name:<this_is_my_image_name_tag_here><this_is_my_image_name_tag_here>
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4. Disable Metadata Attestations

Docker Metadata Attestations Documentation
Avoid potential registry configuration issues by disabling provenance and Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) generation:

Option 1: Use the BUILDX_NO_DEFAULT_ATTESTATIONS Environment Variable

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Option 2: Pass build arguments during the Docker build process to avoid metadata issues during image push

  • Set sbom to false.

  • Set the provenance build argument to false.

Example Command-Line Build

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t my_image_name --provenance=false --sbom=false .
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Modify Lambda Function Build Settings in CDK to remove metadata

If using AWS CDK for Lambda deployments, include the provenance and sbom arguments in the buildArgs for your DockerImageFunction.

import * as path from "path";
import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib";

const prepareDataFn = new cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageFunction(
    code: cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageCode.fromImageAsset(
      path.join("../../", "etl/prepare_data"),
        platform: cdk.aws_ecr_assets.Platform.LINUX_ARM64,
        file: "Dockerfile",
        buildArgs: {
          provenance: "false",
          sbom: "false",
    architecture: cdk.aws_lambda.Architecture.ARM_64,
    description: `Prepare/Clean data - [${cdk.Stack.of(this).stackName}]`,
    timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(15),
    memorySize: 1024,
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Automating the Deployment

Automate your deployment process using a package.json configuration to:

  • Automatically log into ECR
  • Automatically set DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1

package.json configuration

Note: Example package.json [Works on mac/linux, uses sh]:

  "scripts": {
    "predeploy": "aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text).dkr.ecr.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}",
    "deploy": "DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 sh -c 'cd my_cdk_stacks && npm run cdk deploy -- -c stack_name=\"${STACK_NAME:-}\" --all --require-approval never'",
    "destroy": "npm run cdk destroy -- -c stack_name=\"${STACK_NAME:-}\" --all"
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CDK Deployment Command:

BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain CDK_VPC_ID=vpc-09f66ffff5d2773de STACK_NAME=MoyaTestStack npm run deploy
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Example Shell Script for Building and Pushing Docker Images to ECR

# Set variables

REGION=$(aws configure get region --profile "${AWS_PROFILE}")
ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)




# Build, tag, and push the Docker image

echo "Building Docker image ${IMAGE_NAME}..."

#ECR Issue Discussion -
docker build -t "${IMAGE_NAME}" --provenance=false .

echo "Tagging image as ${FULL_IMAGE_NAME}..."
docker tag "${IMAGE_NAME}" "${FULL_IMAGE_NAME}"

# Login to ECR
echo "Logging into Amazon ECR..."
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text).dkr.ecr.${REGION}

echo "Checking if repository ${REPOSITORY_NAME} exists in ECR..."

# Use aws CLI to check if the repository exists
if aws ecr describe-repositories \
    --repository-names "${REPOSITORY_NAME}" \
    --region "${REGION}" \
    --profile "${AWS_PROFILE}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo "Repository ${REPOSITORY_NAME} already exists."
    echo "Repository ${REPOSITORY_NAME} does not exist in ECR."

echo "Pushing image to ECR..."
docker push "${FULL_IMAGE_NAME}"
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Example Code


  "name": "project-root",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "deploy": "DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 sh -c 'cd my_cdk_stacks && npm run cdk deploy -- -c stack_name=\"${STACK_NAME:-}\" --all --require-approval never'",
    "predeploy": "aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text).dkr.ecr.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}",
    "destroy": "cd my_cdk_stacks && npm run cdk destroy -- -c stack_name=\"${STACK_NAME:-}\" --all",
    "predeploy.moya.test": "aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text).dkr.ecr.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}",
    "deploy.moya.test": "DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 sh -c 'echo \"moyas--$DOCKER_BUILDKIT\" && cd my_cdk_stacks && npm install && cdk deploy --all --require-approval never --app \"npx ts-node src/moya-test-stack.ts\" --context \"stack_name=${STACK_NAME}\"'",
    "destroy.moya.test": "cd my_cdk_stacks && npx cdk destroy --app \"npx ts-node src/moya-test-stack.ts\" -c stack_name=\"${STACK_NAME:-}\" --all"
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NPM build Command

CDK_VPC_ID=vpc-09f66ffff5d2793de STACK_NAME=MoyaTestStack npm run deploy.moya.test
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directory: etl/prepare_data/DockerFile


# Set the working directory inside the container to Lambda's task root

# Copy requirements.txt first to leverage Docker's layer caching
COPY requirements.txt .

# Install the specified packages into the Lambda task root
RUN pip3 install --target "${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}" -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir

# Copy the rest of the application code to the Lambda task root
COPY . .

# Set the CMD to the Lambda handler
CMD [ "index.lambda_handler" ]
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import * as path from "path";
import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib";
import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { AwsSolutionsChecks } from "cdk-nag";
import { NagSuppressions } from "cdk-nag/lib/nag-suppressions";

import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
// Load environment variables from a .env file

export interface MoyaTestStackProps extends cdk.StackProps {
  vpc?: cdk.aws_ec2.IVpc;

export class MoyaTestStack extends cdk.Stack {
  props: MoyaTestStackProps;

  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: MoyaTestStackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    this.props = props;

    const vpc = props?.vpc ?? this.retrieveVpc();

    const backendPythonProjectRoot = path.join(

    const prepareDataFn = new cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageFunction(
        code: cdk.aws_lambda.DockerImageCode.fromImageAsset(
          path.join(backendPythonProjectRoot, "etl/prepare_data"),
            platform: cdk.aws_ecr_assets.Platform.LINUX_ARM64,
            file: "Dockerfile",
            cmd: ["index.lambda_handler"],
            buildArgs: {
              // Issue Discussion:
              // Fix for ECR push error - [Failed to push image: failed commit on ref, unexpected status from PUT request, 400 Bad Request]
              provenance: "false",
              sbom: "false",

        architecture: cdk.aws_lambda.Architecture.ARM_64,
        description: `Prepare/Clean data - [${cdk.Stack.of(this).stackName}]`,
        timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(15),
        memorySize: 1024,
        vpc: vpc,
        vpcSubnets: vpc.selectSubnets({
          subnetType: cdk.aws_ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS,

   * Retrieves the VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) based on the provided VPC ID.
   * Throws an error if the VPC ID is not provided via the environment variable CDK_VPC_ID.
   * @returns {cdk.aws_ec2.IVpc} The VPC object retrieved from AWS CDK.
   * @throws {Error} Throws an error if CDK_VPC_ID environment variable is not set.
  retrieveVpc() {
    const stack = cdk.Stack.of(this);
    const env = stack.node.tryGetContext("env");
    const vpcId = process.env.CDK_VPC_ID || env?.vpcId;

    if (!vpcId) {
      throw new Error("CDK_VPC_ID environment variable not set");

    const vpc = cdk.aws_ec2.Vpc.fromLookup(this, "Vpc", {
      vpcId: vpcId,

    return vpc;
  private suppressNags(): void {
    const stack = cdk.Stack.of(this);

    // Suppressions for AWS CDK Nag tool
          id: "AwsSolutions-IAM4",
          reason: "AWS managed policies are permitted for demo purposes",
          appliesTo: [
            // Specify the AWS managed policies allowed in this CDK stack.
            // These policies must be specific and non-overly permissive.
            // For example, avoid policies like AmazonS3FullAccess, AmazonSageMakerFullAccess.

// CDK deploy

const app = new cdk.App();
const stackName = app.node.tryGetContext("stack_name") || "MoyaTestStack";
const account =
  app.node.tryGetContext("account") ||
  process.env.CDK_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT ||
const region =
  app.node.tryGetContext("region") ||
  process.env.CDK_DEPLOY_REGION ||

const moyaTestStack = new MoyaTestStack(app, stackName, {
  env: {
    account: account,
    region: region,

  new AwsSolutionsChecks({ logIgnores: true, verbose: true })
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Top comments (1)

daylightendorphin profile image

Thanks for your article. I'm running into what seems to be a similar issue but I can't get around it. Would you mind checking out this post?

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