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Get the Largest Number

For any given array of arrays of numbers, create largerNumber function that sums up the content of each sub-array(where possible) and return the larger number.

Here examples of arrays and their results:

largesetNumber([[1, 2], [2, 10], [3, 4]]); //12
largesetNumber([[1, 2, 100,1], [2, 10], [3, 4]]); //104
largesetNumber([[1], [2, 10], [3, 4]]);//12
largesetNumber([[], [2, 10], [3, 4]]);//12
largesetNumber([]);//'empty array'
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  • items are all numbers or empty arrays


  • how to access a nested array
  • how to sum-up its nested items


  1. mapping through each nested array
  2. sum up each value inside their nested array
  3. choose the largest number


const largesetNumber = (array) => {
        return "empty array";
    return Math.max( => item.length? item.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr) : 0))
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Comment(s) (random)

  • originally I did not think about a statement to "filter out empty arrays" not empty nested arrays: an if statement and a ternary operator made the job
  • initially while the map was looping through the nested loop I would push the result of reduce inside another array, but a more efficient way was found
// const largerNumber = (array) => {
//     if(array.length<1){
//         return "this is an empty array";
//     }

//     const result = [];
//     array.forEach((item, index) => item.length>0 ? result.push(item.reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + curr)): console.log(`Array at position ${index} is empty`))
//     return Math.max(...result)

// }
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  • Math.max does not take an array. It takes a set of parameters. The spread operator provides all of the values of the array as individual parameters.

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