Heya, this is Mr.StiK.
[Mr.StiK's intro Dialogue counter: 7]
So, just like the tweet above and the counter joke just above (XD), I made a counter system in the bot.
Basically I don't have hopes of editing that dang embed message... so, I found a perfect solution...
Yes, you may can understand I'm in a grave situation of coding till 1:20 AM, and I'm fed of it.
discord.py server was... unaware... of my 'problem', so I need to find my own solution... and I did it, I coded it all by myself~
No, seriously, thanks to CHATGPT for fixing my error in the code.
And it's not in the tweet, but I just added players list on the message too (actually while typing... seriously). Here's the image of it:
Now, it's code time! Here's the promised code:
player_count = None
# Now actual stuff...
class StartButton(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self):
self.value = None
@discord.ui.button(label='Join Game', style=discord.ButtonStyle.grey)
async def start_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
if interaction.user.name in players:
await interaction.response.send_message('You already joined the game', ephemeral=True)
await interaction.response.send_message("You've successfully joined the GAME!!!", ephemeral=True)
await player_count.edit(content="Total count of players is `"+ str(len(players)) + '` And Players are: `' + str(players) + '`')
self.value = True
async def start(ctx):
global player_count
lobby_admin = ctx.author.name
start_view = StartButton()
await ctx.send(embed=start_embed, view=start_view)
player_count = await ctx.send("Total count of players is `"+ str(len(players)) + '` And Players are: `' + str(players) + '`')
As you can see, player_count
(which is the message of player counting because for editing message purpose) is assigned as None. This is because if we're assigning it on start command (async def start()
) we can't use it for editing while interaction, who's code is on top. So, I already assigned a variable like that BEFORE that. And that solution worked...
Unfortunately, I can't see the change CHATGPT made, because... I don't know where it is. It looks like the same code!
And the player counting thing took a bit of basic python knowledge (heh. 😏). For more on the rest of the code, see DEVBLOG 4.
So, yeah, that's it.
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