DEV Community

Santhosh Veer
Santhosh Veer

Posted on

Kick Start your Personal Write up Site using Gridsome

If you want to create a Blog only for Personal Write up's then start with Gridsome (A Jamstack framework for Vue.js)

ZERO - Cost, plugins, Database,

server-side - Full Static Site

Publish Content via Markdown

Let's Kick start your Personal Write up site Today at Zero Cost

  • Clone this Gridsome theme from Github or download it

GitHub logo mskian / hello-world

Share Something useful related to Life and tech.

Hello World πŸ™‚


Share Something useful related to Life and tech.

✨ Minimal | ❀ Clean | πŸš€ Faster | πŸ“± PWA

β–Ά Thanks to @alexbrown for this awesome Minimal and Light weight Gridsome Starter theme -

πŸ€— This theme is Fit for status site or Notes.

Built Using Gridsome - Static Site Generator for Vue.js

I just made some Modifications and Include Extra Features like

  • PWA
  • Social Meta tags
  • Optimized Meta tags
  • Canonical URL
  • Manifest
  • Post tags
  • Post Author
  • Create new post file via Command
  • Custom 404 Error Page

Usage πŸ“¦

  • Clone or Downlaod this repo
git clone
cd hello-world
yarn install
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Test the Site
yarn develop
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Add post content - /content/posts
yarn newpost
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Production Build
yarn build
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Production Build store the Static Files on dist Folder

Free Hosting πŸ’―

Host it on Netlify for free

Deploy to Netlify



git clone
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Install packages
cd hello-world
yarn install
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Test the site
yarn develop
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • publish new content
yarn newpost
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Production Build
yarn build
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Production Build store the Static Files on dist Folder

you can host it Freely on Netlify and Vercel

Theme features

  • Markdown
  • PWA
  • Post tags
  • Post author
  • Social Meta Tags
  • Create a new post file via Command
  • Custom 404 Error Page
  • Optimized Meta Tags
  • Canonical URL

Spread your Write up's around the World with a Lightning-fast Site with PWA

Top comments (1)

mcnaveen profile image
MC Naveen

This is amazing. I'll try and let you know