Mastering Docker: A Comprehensive Guide
Docker has revolutionized the way developers build, ship, and run applications. It provides a lightweight, portable, and consistent environment to deploy applications seamlessly across different platforms. This guide covers essential Docker concepts and commands, making it easier for you to work with containers effectively.
Basic Docker Concepts
What is Docker?
Docker is an open-source platform that automates application deployment using lightweight, portable containers. It enables developers to package applications along with their dependencies, ensuring consistency across different environments.
A container is a self-sufficient executable unit that includes everything needed to run an application, such as code, runtime, libraries, and dependencies.
An image is a read-only template containing an application and its dependencies. Containers are instantiated from images, allowing multiple containers to run from the same image.
A Dockerfile is a script that contains a set of instructions to build a Docker image. It specifies the base image, dependencies, environment variables, and commands required to run an application.
Docker Compose
Docker Compose is a tool used to define and manage multi-container applications. It uses a docker-compose.yml
file to configure services, networks, and volumes in a structured way.
A Docker volume is a persistent storage mechanism that allows containers to share and retain data beyond their lifecycle.
Docker networks provide a way for containers to communicate securely. Types include:
- Bridge (default) - Isolated networks for inter-container communication.
- Host - Shares the host network.
- Overlay - Used in Swarm mode for cross-host communication.
Container Management Commands
# Start and stop containers
docker start <container_name>
docker stop <container_name>
docker restart <container_name>
docker rm <container_name> # Remove a container
# List containers
docker ps # Running containers
docker ps -a # All containers (including stopped ones)
docker container ls # Alternative command
Image Management Commands
# View and remove images
docker images # List all images
docker image ls # Alternative command
docker rmi <image_id> # Remove an image
# Build, pull, and push images
docker build -t my-node-app . # Build an image from a Dockerfile
docker pull <image_name> # Download an image from Docker Hub
docker push <image_name> # Upload an image to Docker Hub
docker tag <image_id> <repo>:<tag> # Tag an image for pushing
Running Containers
# Run containers interactively
docker run -it <image_name>
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 docker-app-1 # Port mapping
docker run -it -p <exposing_port:internal_port> -e <key=value> -e <key=value> <image_name> # Pass environment variables
docker run --name <container_name> -d <image_name> # Run in detached mode
docker run --rm <image_name> # Remove container after stopping
Executing Commands Inside Containers
docker exec -it <container_name> <command> # Execute a command
docker exec -it <container_name> bash # Open a Bash shell
docker attach <container_name> # Attach to a running container
docker logs <container_name> # View logs
docker logs -f <container_name> # Follow logs in real time
Networking in Docker
# List, create, and remove networks
docker network ls
docker network create <network_name>
docker network inspect <network_name>
docker network connect <network_name> <container_name>
docker network disconnect <network_name> <container_name>
docker network rm <network_name>
Managing Volumes
# View and create volumes
docker volume ls
docker volume create <volume_name>
docker volume inspect <volume_name>
docker volume rm <volume_name> # Remove a volume
docker run -v <volume_name>:<container_path> <image_name> # Mount a volume
Docker Compose Commands
docker-compose up # Start containers
docker-compose up -d # Start in detached mode
docker-compose down # Stop and remove containers
docker-compose up --build # Rebuild and restart containers
docker-compose logs # View logs
docker-compose ps # List running services
docker-compose exec <service_name> <command> # Run command in a service
Cleaning Up Docker Resources
# Remove unused containers, networks, and images
docker system prune # Remove unused resources
docker system prune -a # Remove all unused images, containers, networks
docker container prune # Remove all stopped containers
docker volume prune # Remove all unused volumes
docker network prune # Remove all unused networks
Dockerfile Essentials
# Define base image
FROM node:16-alpine
# Set working directory
# Copy application files
COPY . .
# Install dependencies
RUN npm install
# Set environment variables
# Expose port
# Define the command to run the application
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
Docker is an essential tool for modern application deployment, simplifying containerized environments for scalable and efficient workflows. This guide serves as a handy reference to help you master Docker commands and concepts quickly.
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