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Muhammed Shameel Maravan
Muhammed Shameel Maravan

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Exploring Script Loading Strategies: Normal, async, and defer

Exploring Script Loading Strategies: Normal, async, and defer

In the world of web development, optimizing page load times and ensuring a smooth user experience are top priorities. One key aspect of achieving this goal is how you load and manage JavaScript files in your HTML documents. In this post, we'll delve into the basics of script loading and explore two valuable attributes, async and defer, that can significantly impact your website's performance.

Traditional Script Loading

Before we dive into the details of async and defer, let's revisit how scripts are traditionally loaded in HTML:

<script src="script.js"></script>

This simple script tag includes an external JavaScript file, script.js, in an HTML document. When the browser encounters this tag, it blocks the parsing of the HTML document and immediately fetches and executes script.js. However, this blocking behavior can affect page load times, particularly for large scripts or on slow connections.

The async Attribute

The async attribute is a game-changer. It tells the browser that the script can be loaded asynchronously, allowing the browser to continue parsing the HTML document while simultaneously fetching and executing the script. Here's how you use it:

<script src="script.js" async></script>

When the browser encounters this async script tag, it won't hinder the HTML parsing. Instead, it will fetch script.js in the background and execute it as soon as it's downloaded. This is particularly useful for scripts that don't depend on the page's structure and can run independently, leading to faster page load times.

The Defer Attribute

Now, let's talk about the defer attribute. It also enables asynchronous script loading but with a crucial difference. Scripts with the defer attribute are executed in the order they appear in the HTML document, just before the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. Here's an example:

<script src="script.js" defer></script>

When a script is deferred, it's fetched asynchronously, but the browser ensures that the scripts are executed in the order they appear in the HTML document. This is valuable when your scripts rely on specific elements or the page's structure because it guarantees that the necessary HTML is parsed before the script runs.

Choosing Between async and defer

Deciding whether to use async or defer depends on your script's requirements:

Use async when your script doesn't rely on the page's structure and can run independently. This can lead to faster page load times since it doesn't block HTML parsing.

Use defer when your script needs to manipulate or interact with the page's elements and structure. This ensures that the script runs after the HTML is parsed, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to consider when working with async and defer:

Always include the src attribute: Both async and defer require the src attribute to specify the script file to load.

Minimize script size: Regardless of your loading attribute choice, aim to keep your scripts small and optimized for performance.

Place scripts at the end: It's often a good practice to include your scripts just before the closing </ body> tag to avoid any potential rendering issues.

Test thoroughly: Ensure your scripts behave as expected when using async or defer by testing in various browsers and network conditions.


Understanding how to load scripts asynchronously using the async and defer attributes is essential for improving web page performance and user experience. Choose the loading attribute that best suits your script's requirements, and always test your code thoroughly to ensure it behaves as expected.

Incorporating these techniques into your web development projects will help you create faster and more responsive websites, ultimately enhancing the user experience.

Happy coding!

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