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WebView — Navigation and data flow with WebViews in a React Native app

Mukesh Mandiwal on May 19, 2020

WebViews in React Native are the only way to let the user visit external links within an iOS or Android application. WebView can be used for embedd...
digitlninja profile image
digitalninja • Edited

Hey man, great article. Ive tried to get data from RN to my WebApp but am not winning.
Where did you add the eventListener exactly?

Heres my gist

mukeshmandiwal profile image
Mukesh Mandiwal • Edited

Sample data you want to pass from react  native to web 

const runFirst = ` = 'green';
      setTimeout(function() { window.alert(JSON.stringify([
             'React Naitve',
             'Node js',
          ])) }, 1000);
      true; // note: this is required, or you'll sometimes get silent failures

 source={{ uri: 'http://localhost:3000' }} // your webview  source
 injectedJavaScript={runFirst}  // pass data to web from react native

 /* In your webview now you can access using  */
  document.addEventListener("message", function(data) {
prajyotdukse profile image

Hi @mukesh,

How do I pass dynamic values from react native to web view.
Static values I am able to pass but struggling to pass dynamic token


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mukeshmandiwal profile image
Mukesh Mandiwal

JSON.stringify your dynmaic token and add to injectedJavaScript = {json.stringfy(yourtoekn)}

kris profile image

Thank you for this awesome tutorial. UI layouts can be improved but overall a great tutorial to get an in-depth concept of React Native Webview along with React Native Navigation. Anyone going through this article can grasp the concept of utilization of webviews in React Native app.

redbar0n profile image

What would you think about using this method to achieve a Hybrid-Native Sweet Spot: Native navigation with web content?

It would allow you to make your webapp in whatever web framework you’d like, and swap it out whenever something better (like SolidJS) comes along. Clients would also get updates to the main webapp instantly. As opposed to users having to update their native app frequently, after the developer had to wait 14 days for App Store approval each time.

You could also completely avoid having an API client, merely serving HTML over the wire. See, where HOTwire Strada is similar to the JSON bridge you used to communicate between React Native and the WKWebView.

Doing that would allow you to SSR content even for the Native app. Giving more control to the server as to what is rendered, instead of using something like Server-Driven Rendering (like AirBnB etc.) which controls native components by using JSON commands from the server.

Not sure how good web animations would be, but allegedly they can run in 60fps inside the WKWebView.

This would also be superior to using CapacitorJS as a bridge between a webapp and native, since Capacitor requires you bundle and distribute everything (including updates) in the App Store.

gautham495 profile image
Gautham Vijayan

Gave exactly what i was looking for!!!

mohamedshrif995 profile image

thanks it's a great tutorial
can you add how to get location if URL included 'add address' or something like that

mukeshmandiwal profile image
Mukesh Mandiwal

You can use in this way

  source={{uri: ',77.29257710000002'}} />

hoangdangcodecomplete profile image

Hey man, i use source uri is a web build by react js. So can you tutorial me get data from react native app to react js web through ?

Thank you!

lilkizarmie profile image
Jeffery Kizarmie Adolor

been looking for this its very wonderful,

venkateshparih4 profile image

How can we use different event type name in add event listener instead of message.because it capturing other message events also.