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Cover image for Time Travel Debugger for React useReducer
Brandon Murphy
Brandon Murphy

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Time Travel Debugger for React useReducer

React Rewind Github Repo

A couple friends and I wanted to learn more about the new features released in React 16.8. After playing around and building some mini apps, we noticed there was something that would help us debug our code a lot easier:
Redux time traveling but for the useReducer hook.

So, we decided to build a dev tool that does just that: React Rewind.
The first time travel debugger for React's useReducer.

We're an open source tool and just launched our beta yesterday! We currently have full support for the useReducer hook. We plan to continue working on the tool and extending functionality.

We would love to hear any feedback/ideas/issues about the dev tool and get some ideas about where to head next.

Check out our github repo and let us know what you think.

Application Features

Field Description
events action types and time since last dispatch
actions the action object that was dispatched
effects difference between the states before and after the action was dispatched
state the state object after the action was dispatched


Feel free to fork our rep. We welcome pull requests. For suggestions or to report bugs please log an issue.

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