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Create React App vs Vite: Choosing the Right Build Tool for Your Project

Frontend development has come a long way since the advent of web technologies. Today, developers are spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting the right tools for their projects. One of the most critical decisions that a developer has to make is the choice of a build tool. Two of the most popular build tools are Create React App and Vite. Both are powerful tools that can be used to create efficient, optimized, and scalable web applications.

Create React App:

Create React App is built on Webpack and Babel and it is a popular tool that enables developers to quickly set up a React project. It is an officially supported tool by the React team, making it a reliable choice. It creates a basic React application with all the necessary configuration files, dependencies, and scripts. The tool provides a pre-configured environment that abstracts away much of the configuration that developers would typically have to handle manually. This means that the developer can focus on writing code rather than configuration files. It is especially useful for beginners to get started.

Initialize the create-react-app project:

npx create-react-app my-app
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Vite is a newer build tool that has gained popularity in recent years. It was created to address the limitations of existing build tools, particularly in the development phase. Vite is a build tool that is optimized for speed. It leverages the latest browser technologies, such as ES modules and native browser imports, to provide fast build times.

Vite is particularly useful for small to medium-sized projects that do not require complex configurations. It is built on top of the Rollup bundler, which is known for its fast build times. Vite also provides a development server that is optimized for performance. The server leverages HTTP/2 server push, which enables the server to send multiple responses for a single client request.

Initialize the vite project:

npm create vite@latest
# or
yarn create vite
# or
pnpm create vite
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Create React App vs. Vite:

When it comes to choosing between Create React App and Vite, there are a few factors to consider. One of the most important factors is the size of the project. Create React App is an excellent choice for large-scale projects that require complex configurations. It provides developers with a pre-configured environment that handles much of the setup work. However, Sometimes, Create React App can be overkill, and Vite may be a better choice.

Another factor to consider is the build time. Vite is optimized for speed and can provide faster build times than Create React App. This is particularly useful during development when the developer needs to see changes in real-time. Vite's development server is also optimized for performance, which further enhances the development experience.

In conclusion, both Create React App and Vite are excellent build tools that provide developers with a solid foundation for building React applications. Create React App is a reliable choice for beginners to learn, while Vite is a better choice for real-world projects that require faster build times. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the project's requirements and the developer's preferences.

Top comments (4)

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

Not sure I agree here... If you're going to use CRA for big custom projects, at the very least you're going to have to eject, at which point you end up with a bunch of bloatware that you need to maintain and configure, while your project might not even need it. If you need such a custom webpack config for a big project, you should really start from scratch and CRA is exactly what you DON'T want. Not to mention a whole bunch of that bloatware from CRA (and webpack) hasn't passed npm audit for 2 years now... Webpack is dead.

On the other hand vite is highly configurable, with an extremely mature plugin ecosystem that just keeps growing. Maybe (you think) you have that one in a million project that needs something so custom that you can only get it done with webpack, but for the other 999,999 projects, you're better off with the vite starter.

musabilm profile image

The information was updated. Thank you for reaching out!

musabilm profile image

I agree to you. Also, for big projects it is better to use Next.js instead of CRA. But I was writing blog for CRA vs Vite. But thank you! I will update the blog post soon.

samandar0021305 profile image

thank you