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Davide 'CoderDave' Benvegnù
Davide 'CoderDave' Benvegnù

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Azure Pipelines Decorators - ALL you NEED to know

In Azure DevOps, Pipelines Decorators allow you to execute a series of predefined steps for your CI/CD workflows in your organization. They are essentially a section of the YAML file that will be executed for every pipeline.

Let's see what they are, how they work, hot to build and publish them and how to use them.


If you are a visual learner or simply prefer to watch and listen instead of reading, here you have the video with the whole explanation, and of course the end to end examples of Pipelines Decorators

If you rather prefer reading, well... let's just continue :)

About Azure Pipelines

I think we all know Azure Pipelines, the service in Azure DevOps that you can use to automatically build, test and deploy your applications. It works with just about any language or project type.

We can categorize the Pipelines in 2 main categories:

  • Build (or CI)
  • Release (or CD).

And also remember that they come in 2 different flavors. We have the Classic Pipelines, the one you create and manage using the visual editor, and the YAML Pipelines, the proper name would be Multistage pipelines, that you create and manage using YAML files.

This distinction will be important in a moment.

To work in pipelines, you just create Job and add a series of Tasks to it for all the operations you want to perform.

You want to build your Java application? Add the build task.
Test your dotnet core project? Add the dotnet test task.
Scan your code for vulnerabilities? Add one of the many first and third party tasks.
Deploy your microservices to Kubernetes? Add the specific task.
And so on.

But what if you want all of your pipelines to mandatory execute some tasks, withouth anyone being able to "skip" them?

Pipelines Decorators are the answer.

Pipelines Decorators

In fact, Pipelines Decorators allow for adding steps to the beginning and/or end of every job. This is different than adding steps to a single definition because it applies to all pipelines in an organization.

The tasks defined in a Pipeline Decorators are automatically injected to all your pipelines, and of course you can control that with some conditions.

Since there are 2 main kinds of Pipelines, as we have seen before, there are also 2 types of Pipelines Decorators:

  • Build Decorators
  • Release Decorators

The Build Decorators apply to Classic Build Pipelines and to the newer YAML Mulstistage Pipelines.

The Release Decorators, instead, apply ONLY to the Classic Release Pipelines.

Easy, right? But, wait a minute...

YAML Pipelines can be used for deployment as well, so how does this work?

Well, actually the "Build" Pipeline decorator type applies to the Deployment Jobs of the YAML Pipelines as well.

I know, this is a bit confusing, but the reason for that is that the YAML Pipelines evolved from the Classic Build ones and therefore they share the same extensibility point.

So, out of the box, when you create a Build Pipeline Decorator it will apply to both the Normal Jobs, which are usually used for CI, as well as the Deployment Jobs. You can change that behaviour using some conditionals, and I will show you in a minute how we can do that.

Another thing you need to decide, when creating your Decorator, is when its tasks have to be injected into the Pipelines.

You can have it injected at the beginning of the Pipeline, before all the other tasks. Or at the end of it, after all the other tasks. Or even both before and after all the tasks. It is up to you.

But how can we create a Pipeline Decorator?

Decorators depends on 2 main files.

The main file is a YAML file, where you actually write your tasks like in a normal YAML Pipeline.

The second file is a JSON file that contains all the properties and specifications for your Decorator, like what it targets (Build or Release) and when to inject the tasks.

Decorators use the normal Azure DevOps extensibility points, which means you need to package them as Extensions.

After that, you have to upload this extension into the Marketplace and share it with your Azure DevOps organization. Remember that only private extensions can contain Decorators.

Finally you will have to install the Extension in your organization and, when completed, the Decorators will automatically be injected in all your Pipelines.

Some Examples

This is the GitHub repo I created for showing how Decorators work.
I have some basic examples there as well as some more advanced ones. Take a look at it to better understand how to create and use a Decorator.

GitHub logo n3wt0n / AzurePipelinesDecoratorSamples

A series of sample Decorators for Azure Pipelines (Build and Release), plus some more Advanced ones

Azure Pipelines Decorator Samples

CI License time tracker

A series of sample Decorators for Azure Pipelines (Build and Release).

Decorators in this repo work only with Azure DevOps (they are not available in Azure DevOps Server).

Check the official documentation here and here for more information about Azure Pipelines decorators.

Intro to Decorators

I explain more about Pipelines Decorator in my blog post here

If you want to have a step-by-step guide on how Decorators work and how to structure them, check out my video:

Pipelines Decorators on CoderDave

In the video I actually reference this repo and its content.

About this repo structure

There are 2 types of Basic Decorators in this repo:

  • Build: The Decorators in this folder work with both the Classic Build pipelines and the Multistage (YAML) pipelines
    • When running in YAML pipelines, they are applied to both Jobs and Deployment Jobs
  • Release: The Decorators in this folder…

As I mentioned before we have the Build Decorators and the Release Decorators, and for each we can have Pre, Post, and Pre and Post decorators.

As you can imagine, the Pre ones injects at the beginning of the Pipeline while the Post ones at the end.

Each decorator has a YAML file where we define the tasks to be injected, and a JSON file here that contains the manifest of the Decorator.

We also have the package.json and the package-lock.json for each of them because as I've mentioned we need to package the Decorator into an Azure DevOps extension, and that relies on some Node.js components.

Take a look at the video at the top of this post (here for simpler reference) to see those examples more in depth.

References and Links

Top comments (5)

clercmedia profile image

Hello Davide, this is very interesting, I followed your example and it works for the simple hello world ! Now I am looking to call an API to an external service. My problem is where to store the credentials as it will 1) be accessible from all projects 2) Find 0 document of The decorator accessing any KeyStore or Service connection data?

Do you have any clue ?


n3wt0n profile image
Davide 'CoderDave' Benvegnù

Hi, sorry I haven't replied to your email (yep, I've seen it ;) ) but I was off a couple of days. Anyway, this is a good scenario, imho the best thing to do is using KeyVault to store the credentials, and use the KeyVault step to "inject" the secret you need into your pipeline. Something similar to what described here: (even tho that is for a "full" pipeline)

clercmedia profile image

I will try this !! many thanks to you !
I didn't found any example of this scenario anywhere. That might be an interesting article if I succeed ;) !

Cheers !

Thread Thread
n3wt0n profile image
Davide 'CoderDave' Benvegnù

Let me know how it goes :)

maxg2k profile image

Hi Davide

I'm trying to package and access files in addition to decorator yaml file. Although I see the files in the .vsix archive, they don't appear on the azure agent side. Am I missing something?