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Hi May!

Hello everyone! I'm back!, and in this section we will explore the month of May with me as an intern.

WEEK 7 (April 29 - May 6, 2022) (Day 31 - 35)
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Hi everyone! hope you have a wonderful day...
My week 7 is no difference with the other weeks yet I have different parts I finished in the website and some technical stuff I performed in other offices.

  • Doing some edits on the done section on the website.

  • Checking the functional and non-functional units in a department.

  • Creating report about the ORC we've done.

  • Reformatting computer units.

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WEEK 8 (May 7 - May 17, 2022) (Day 36 - 40)
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Hello week 8! Hello readers! this week I did not work on the website for I wanna go out from the office and visit other departments for their concern. I do also some documents about the things we do. This week is a fun week aside from receiving some compliments, I feel happy every time I heard an appreciation words from clients or even from you seniors. So below is the stuff I did.

  • Doing ORC Report for another department.

  • Creating architectural mapping of the laboratory we visit.

  • Attending command from seniors to the other departments.

  • Learning how to clean the printer for ID's

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WEEK 9 (May 18 - May 24, 2022) (Day 41 - 45)
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Hope you have a great week! This week is not so busy week, so I just sit back in my station and do some planning on how to continue the website. I also help on returning some toner to the company. As months goes by I have this thought that I wanna work in the department I am now after graduation. The reason behind is that the environment inside the office is not toxic, it won't add on to the stressed you experienced.
So that's it for this week everyone and see you next week..

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Week 9 (May 25 - June 7, 2022) (Day 46 - 50)
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Hi everyone! This week was really sad week for me. As you can see there is a big gap on the date. It is because I was absent for 1 week. I got sick and that sickness hold me from attending to my most awaited event which is the RICCI 2022. Anyway, even if I did not attend to that event I am very happy that our Instructors, Dean and personnel from the Research acknowledge me even if I was not there. So the big news there is that me and my partner won the Best in Podium award, and best in Poster Award. So for my OJT task, I am just focus on the website and they didn't let me do technical support task so that I can be focus on the Website.

So that's it for this week and see you on June! Thank you for reading :-)

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