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Mohamed Nabous
Mohamed Nabous

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Dynamic Class Instance Extension in TypeScript: Empowering Reusability and Flexibility


In the world of JavaScript and TypeScript, creating reusable and flexible code is essential for building robust and maintainable applications. This article explores a powerful technique called Dynamic Class Instance Extension in TypeScript. We will dive into the code, explain the concept of mixins using a reference, showcase the benefits and considerations of Dynamic Class Instance Extension compared to mixins, and guide you on when to use each approach. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how to leverage these techniques in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects.

Understanding the Code

export class BaseClass {
    extend<D extends BaseClass>(domain: D) {
        const that = this;
        const ThisClassProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
        const DomainClassProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(domain);

        class ExtendedClass {
            constructor() {
                Object.assign(this, that);
                Object.assign(this, domain);

        for (const propertyName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ThisClassProto)) {
            ExtendedClass.prototype[propertyName] = ThisClassProto[propertyName];

        for (const propertyName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(DomainClassProto)) {
            ExtendedClass.prototype[propertyName] = DomainClassProto[propertyName];

        const extended = new ExtendedClass() as typeof this & D;

        Object.assign(extended, this, domain);

        return extended;

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Code Explanation

The provided code demonstrates Dynamic Class Instance Extension in TypeScript. Let's break down the code and understand its inner workings:

  1. export class BaseClass:
    • The BaseClass acts as the foundation for Dynamic Class Instance Extension, allowing other classes to inherit its properties and methods.
  2. extend<D extends BaseClass>(domain: D):
    • The extend method is defined within the BaseClass.
    • It takes a generic type D that extends BaseClass as its argument, ensuring valid extensions.
  3. Functionality within extend():
    • The method begins by creating a reference to the current instance of BaseClass using that.
    • The prototypes of the current instance and the extending domain class are obtained using Object.getPrototypeOf().
    • The ExtendedClass is defined, which represents the dynamically extended class.
    • Inside the constructor of ExtendedClass, the properties of the base class (that) and the domain class (domain) are merged into the new instance using Object.assign(). This allows the extended class to inherit properties from both the base class and the extending domain class.
    • Two loops iterate over the properties of the base class and the domain class using Object.getOwnPropertyNames(). Each property is assigned to the prototype of ExtendedClass, ensuring the extended class incorporates properties and methods from both classes.
    • Finally, a new instance of ExtendedClass is created and returned as the result of the extend method.

Mixins: An Introduction and Example

To better understand mixins, let's refer to an example that showcases a similar functionality using mixins. In this example, we'll create mixin classes and apply them to a target class.

class PrintableMixin {
    print() {
        console.log("Printable mixin method called");

class LoggableMixin {
    log() {
        console.log("Loggable mixin method called");

class Circle {
    // Circle-specific functionality

interface Circle extends PrintableMixin, LoggableMixin {}
applyMixins(Circle, [PrintableMixin, LoggableMixin]);

function applyMixins(derivedCtor: any, mixins: any[]) {
    for (const mixin of mixins) {
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(mixin.prototype).forEach(name => {
            derivedCtor.prototype[name] = mixin.prototype[name];

const circle = new Circle();
circle.print(); // Output: "Printable mixin method called"
circle.log(); // Output: "Loggable mixin method called"

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In the above example, we define two mixin classes: PrintableMixin and LoggableMixin. These mixins provide additional functionality that can be combined with the Circle class. By applying the mixins to the Circle class using the applyMixins function, we can dynamically extend the Circle instance with the methods defined in the mixins. The resulting extended instance retains the properties and methods of both the Circle class and the applied mixins.

Example: Dynamic Class Instance Extension

Let's explore an example to showcase the usage of Dynamic Class Instance Extension. Consider the following domain classes:

class UserDomain extends BaseClass {
    // Additional domain-specific properties and methods

class ProductDomain extends BaseClass {
    // Additional domain-specific properties and methods

class OrderDomain extends BaseClass {
    // Additional domain-specific properties and methods
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To create instances of these domain classes and extend a base instance with multiple domains, you can use the following code:

// Create instances of domain classes
const userDomain = new UserDomain();
const productDomain = new ProductDomain();
const orderDomain = new OrderDomain();

// Extend the base instance with multiple domains
const api = new BaseClass()
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In this example, we create instances of the domain classes (UserDomain, ProductDomain, OrderDomain). Then, we extend a base instance of BaseClass with these domains using the extend method. The resulting api instance incorporates properties and methods from both the base class and the extended domain classes.

Benefits and Considerations of Dynamic Class Instance Extension and Mixins

Both Dynamic Class Instance Extension and mixins offer powerful ways to enhance code reusability and flexibility. Let's compare them and identify their suitable use cases:

Dynamic Class Instance Extension

  • Benefits:
    • Provides a simpler and more concise syntax for combining functionalities from multiple classes into a single object.
    • Avoids potential conflicts and maintains a clear inheritance hierarchy by merging properties and methods sequentially.
    • Promotes code reusability, reduces duplication, and encourages modular code design.
  • Considerations:
    • Dynamic Class Instance Extension is limited to a single prototypal chain deep. If you require deeper prototypal inheritance, mixins may be a better choice.


  • Benefits:
    • Enables combining reusable code from multiple sources into a single class, enhancing code reusability and modularity.
    • Supports complex prototypal chains, allowing for deep inheritance hierarchies.
  • Considerations:
    • Requires manual application of mixins using helper functions or custom logic.
    • Care must be taken to handle potential naming collisions or conflicting properties and methods from different mixins.


Dynamic Class Instance Extension and mixins offer powerful techniques to enhance code reusability and flexibility in JavaScript and TypeScript. By leveraging Dynamic Class Instance Extension, you can combine functionalities from multiple classes with simplicity

and maintain a clear inheritance hierarchy. Mixins, on the other hand, provide a way to combine reusable code from multiple sources, allowing for deep prototypal inheritance. Understanding the benefits and considerations of each approach empowers you to make informed decisions when designing and structuring your codebase. So go ahead, embrace these techniques, and unleash the full potential of your JavaScript and TypeScript projects!

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