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Yoga Dharshan
Yoga Dharshan

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20 things i wish i learned before college

i wish i had someone tell me this before the 1st year of college. there’s even a bonus at the end. let’s start with friends.

  1. make valuable friends who are interested in building projects.

  2. having fun is ok, but it should not be the only thing.

  3. getting a good cgpa is good, but gaining skills is more important.

  4. study using pomodoro technique(search it on google)

  5. don’t overthink and start taking action on things you always wanted to do.

  6. you’re trapped by society into believing that you’re just an average student. and you can’t do cool things like steve jobs or elon musk. yes, they are the same as you, but when they started they had domain-specific knowledge for their specific project. so it’s better to focus on what comes to you better than copying your idol.

  7. believing you can do it doesn’t matter as manifesting specialists say you gotta do shit and believe you can do something.

  8. always be friends with your seniors, they are more likely to be mature than your peers.

  9. most of the colleges have internal politics of people drama with jealousy, hatred, etc. if you’re doing well, two things to do are either be an actor to that kind of people or be a complete rebel. it’s up to you to choose.

  10. show your work if you build something. join hackathons, college clubs and anything that can showcase your work.

  11. take your time, and have a relaxation session. go and do something relaxing like learning musical instruments or something. play a game but don’t play competitive games for relaxation. it will give you more stress.

  12. there will be jerk professors who teach nothing and get the salary. kindly report them to the management anonymously. you don’t want to get into trouble.

  13. if you’re looking forward to getting a job. start learning things asap. college degrees nowadays are nearly worthless. it became more of a paper than a certificate.

  14. this is not for everyone but i have to say it. build a personal brand to get more authority while applying for a job. just get started with a mini post and see where it goes.

  15. this is something I am trying to do. earn money to pay your college fees. you’re not a kid anymore my friend. choose a skill you’d love, learn about it and have fun getting paid doing what you love.

  16. don’t worry about the consequences as thala dhoni said.

  17. study the syllabus that is hard before 2 weeks. man, i can’t stress that enough. not doing this is why I got 2 arrears 😶

18.if you have arrears in 1st semester. do your best in the next exams.

  1. you won’t get your dream company from your college placement cell bro. sorry for being this hard.

  2. college is a place where people expect rain and receive hot sun rays. i mean that a lot of tier 1 colleges make good placements but if you are in other tier colleges it’s going to be about having an overwhelming level of expectations and getting nearly nothing in return. the roi sucks at low-tier colleges brother.

  3. bonus: college is typically made by rich people to create employees and make us(middle-class and low-class people) be where we are and never get out of it. you’re a champ and you read everything congrats. now if you like this. please feel free to react and follow. i know you will support if you like this, but hey i too have a desire to grow buddy 😁

i don’t know who you are bro. i read somewhere that seeing someone’s content through organic reach is one in a four trillion. so I don’t know whether I’ll see you next time. see you at some cross path. make sure to save the article

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