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Naimur Rahman
Naimur Rahman

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BroadcastChannel API: Sending Messages Between Tabs

Why Tab Communication in Web Browser Matters

Communicating between different tabs or windows in a web browser is super important for many reasons. Imagine you have several open tabs while shopping online. You put an item in your cart in one tab, and you want all the other tabs to know about it instantly. That's one of the reasons we need this kind of communication. Also, think about logging into a website like your bank account. If we log out in one tab, we'd want to be logged out in all the other tabs, too to keep everything safe. It's like making sure you lock all the doors when leaving your house. So, it's not just convenient; it also makes the web safer and more efficient for us.

What is the Broadcast Channel API?

The Broadcast Channel API is like a special communication tool for web browsers. It allows different tabs or windows in our browser to talk to each other. It's a way for them to share information instantly. Think of it as a secret chat system just for our browser. It helps web apps work together and stay in sync, making our online experience smoother.

How Broadcast Channel API works

Here's how it works in simple terms:

  1. Create a Channel: We create a channel with a specific name, like cart_channel

  2. Send Messages: In one tab, we can send a message (like "I added a new item to the cart!") to the cart_channel

  3. Other Tabs Listen: All the other open tabs also tuned into the cart_channel can hear this message.

  4. Instant Updates: So, when we add something to our cart in one tab, all the other tabs can instantly update to show the same thing. It's like magic!

To implement Broadcast Channel API in your application read the full article here 👉

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